She was probably looking for clothes which surprisingly she got

I still didn't understand why someone would just wear random clothes left behind trees .

I get it , they are wolves ,who when they shift irresponsibly, get their clothes ripped but still.

After she dressed into a random pair of jeans and a loose shirt, she walked towards me

I now needed to keep my words in line otherwise I was going to end up dead earlier than expected

She held my chin and made me look her straight in the eye

"You know , when I saw you for the first time, bleeding under a tree with your guts almost spilling out, I never pictured you as a head strong girl"




Have you ever had this feeling of just utter shock mixed with fear and slight disbelief all at the same time

That was what I was feeling

I had no retort neither did I have the strength to tell her to stop

I didn't Ike where this was heading to and I hoped that this wasn't going towards the direction that I thought it was

"Cat got your tongue girl? You looked so helpless and weak, the perfect candidate that I needed for this entire thing"

"What do you mean?"

"How did you think you needed up near these pack borders sweety? Do you think it was a miracle that you woke up having your guts intact and so close to this pack"

"Stop taking me round in circles miss"

"But this is starting to be fun. I love the fear that's begin to build in your eyes. You know where this is heading to ,you my dear are just in denial "

"Spit it out miss"

"You were a pawn in my plans and now your time is almost done. "

"What do you mean a pawn?"

"So that bitch never told you from the beginning? About making that stuck up alpha to fall in love with you?"

"She did but I refused. I never went through with any of it and besides, he is now mated to some other she wolf"

"You mean my daughter "she smirked

Another bomb huh

This meant nothing right.

But then tell me why I was starting to feel as if my chest was getting heavy and my tears beginning to water

"Your daughter?"

"Yes my daughter. Larissa. You know when I told you that you were just a pawn, you should have listened"

"I am not anyone's pawn. I chose my own path and left the Alpha. I built a name for my self within the orphanage and took care of those children. I never needed any man to support me or give me any favors neither did I need you to live "

"You my dear are in denial. Do you remember who suggested and placed you within the orphanage?"

The former Luna

"You see , when plan A did not work we resulted to plan B which worked quite well of I do say so myself. I needed you to stay in this pack long enough to become Xerxes's weakness and so we couldn't have you wanting to leave

So we gave you something else that would make you stay. Your lovely children who have by the way been suffering even way more than before. Courtesy of my spies that are now in power over there"

"I said , I was nobody's pawn. I am not the alpha's weakness and neither am I going to tolerate you bs. "

"My dear , let me ask you something, why do you think the Alpha accepted another she wolf, my daughter?"

"Because she is his mate" I dead panned

"And here I thought that you were smart. How blind could you have been all this time"

"What do you mean"

"He accepted my daughter because of you sweety"


"Do you even know why she was initially kicked out"

"I have heard enough"

"Because we both betrayed the pack. And to add the cherry on the top, we had his father killed"

"Stop it that's enough"

"So why would he accept the women who had a hand in his father's death back to the pack my dear"

"Please stop"

"Because he wanted to protect you"

"Stop it"

"He knew what would have happened if he never did "

"That's enough "

"It's so amazing how you never knew this entire time "

"Knew what? "

"That you my dear, are his second chance mate"

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