Chapter 4: Rain-Kissed Bonds: Nighttime Melodies and Shared Moments

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In an impulsive move, Skylar grabbed his hand, urging him inside her abode,
   "No way I'm letting you face that weather!"

In a flurry, they entered, trailing rainwater and damp footprints in their wake. Skylar ushered him to the living room couch.

   "Stay put. I'll fetch you a towel and an umbrella," she announced, dashing upstairs to her room and returning with a towel before stumbling and crashing to the ground.

Koshi was on his feet in an instant,

Thumbs up from the prone Skylar,
   "All good..." she giggled weakly, rising and making her way to the rack of shoes by the door, where two umbrellas stood, untouched for quite some time.

Selecting the black one, she handed it to Koshi, then draped the towel over his head, guiding him back to the couch where she proceeded to vigorously dry his hair.

   "Easy, Skylar. A sprinkle won't give me a cold," he teased, his laughter dancing in the air.

A radiant smile adorned Skylar's features as she lifted the towel, revealing Koshi's now tousled locks.
   "What's got you giggling?" he inquired, running his fingers through his slightly expanded hair.

   "Here's the umbrella, no need to return it," Skylar declared, a grin playing on her lips.

Koshi's response was swift,
   "No, I'll bring it back to you tomorrow," he insisted, an undertone of determination in his voice.
   "Your call. But for now, make sure you get home safe. Text or call me once you're there," she instructed, her smile unwavering.

Koshi's lips curled in a smile, his gaze drifting to the window,
   "I will—"

His gaze met a different scene. Raindrops had unexpectedly intensified, a shared realization mirrored in their eyes.

Clearly, the weather posed an obstacle to Koshi's safe return home.

   "Well, you're in a pickle," Skylar quipped, settling beside him on the couch, her feet propped on the table.

A sigh escaped Koshi's lips,
   "Guess I'll have to spend the night at Tsukishima's, if he's up for it," he mused, his thumbs busily composing a text to Tsukishima.

A curt "no" comprised Tsukishima's reply, stark in its simplicity.

Koshi glanced at Skylar,
   "Show me to your room, please," he requested, his cheeks slightly tinged with pink.

A blush matching his own warmed Skylar's cheeks,
   "Upstairs, first door on the left," she directed, prompting Koshi to race up the stairs and fling open the window that afforded a view of Tsukishima's dwelling.

   "I CAN'T CRASH AT A GIRL'S PLACE! IT'S IMPROPER!" Koshi bellowed across the street.

To his amusement, Tsukishima leaned out his window, a smirk playing on his lips,
   "Good night, Senpai!" he chimed, slamming the window shut and drawing the curtains, retreating to his bed.

Koshi released a sigh, his vexation palpable.

Skylar followed suit, retrieving a futon from a shelf and spreading it on the floor next to her bed.
   "I-If you'd like, you can use the bed," she offered, a modest smile adorning her features.

With a gentle touch, Koshi shut the window, his smile directed at Skylar,
   "That's not necessary. I'll be content on the couch," he assured.

Skylar's hand pointed to a room adjacent to hers, visible through her ajar door,
   "Three guest rooms over there. You're welcome to any of them. I'll change the sheets—"

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