They tried to shrug the thought off their mind and continued following Tsuki.

"This is really a good place" Biscuit commented to break the silence between them.

"Thank you. We found this place 5 years ago and started to build the community here, gathering all the pirates providing them the things they need. Away from the cruelty they receive from the royals." Tsuki replied whilst keeping her head straight.

"However, you could ease your worries" Tsuki suddenly stopped walking followed by the three "they won't pounce on you and take your lives as long as you won't do anything uncalled for while you're here." She turned around to look at them seeing their reactions on her statement. "This is our house as well as our meeting hall. You can stay here for the meantime." She gestured to a tree house behind her that looked big enough to fit more than 10 people.

They entered the house and sat on the wooden chairs surrounding a huge round table.

"So how do you suggest that we catch our culprit and find the princess?" Biscuit queried looking at the captain.

"All we have to do is lure him and his crew to the coven and trap them." Tsuki stated as she stared at the coven gates by the windows.

"How do you know that our culprit is a he?" Kurapika questioned.

"I did say that I know the culprit." She uttered smirking while the three looks at her curiously.

"Tonpa the trickster, he's the one who abducted the princess. 5 years ago, he came to me and asked for my help but despite of my assistance, they still tried to use his trickery on other pirates." She proclaims.

"How do you recommend we capture this trickster lady Tsuki?" Gon asked looking at the lady captain.

"We'll lure him using his own tricks" Tsuki started "however I'll be needing a bait-a prince bait" she declared staring at the soon to be king- Kurapika.

"I'll be the bait!" Gon exclaimed rising up from his position looking at Tsuki determinedly.

"Iye, Gon-sama! I would not allow you to do that. It's too dangerous for you" Biscuit protested.

"I admire your determination young prince but if I were Tonpa, I'd go for a bigger and pricier bait" Tsuki stated turning her head from Gon then back to Kurapika.

"And by that you mean....?" Biscuit questioned trailing off as she tried to process the pirate's words.

"Are you willing to be one, your highness?" Tsuki asked Kurapika with a huge smirk plastered on her face.

"Now I get what you by a pricier bait" Kurapika affirmed.

"Very well. I take it that you agree then?"

"Hai. If it's what it takes to save Gin." Kurapika verified.

"Mmm it's settled then. I'll prepare my people." Tsuki stood up then went out to notify her crew and some other pirates to help them catch Tonpa.


As the night came and the moon is high up looking down upon the vast ocean, the people in the coven were already asleep, resting for another start of the day. However, in the many houses one was still lit. A man dressed in his sleeping attire was sitting down at a table immensely writing a letter.

Dear friend Tonpa,

This is Muko. I am writing this letter to tell you that Lady Tsuki has brought royal guests over asking for help to find the missing princess you took. I heard that one of them is her cousin and is the 'soon-to-be-king' of the Kurta kingdom. I bet he costs more than the princess you have captured and even more with both of them combined. I will capture him tonight and I would like to make a deal with you. Me and my crew would want to have a share of the cost you're gonna get after selling them.

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