Chapter 16

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"Let's go save your sister"

Tsuki gave an encouraging smile to Gon who then gave an enthusiastic nod towards the lady captain. They then got ready for a surprise attack to capture Tonpa and his crew, and bring back Gin.


At an isolated island, Muko can be seen sitting on a log facing the still sleeping prince across from him. He was waiting for Tonpa to arrive.

As he was waiting, he looked up into the sky seemingly bored when he noticed a familiar bird flying around the island screeching once in a while.

Shrugging it off, he averted his gaze towards the sea into the horizon. Alas! A ship approaches towards the island, looking at its flag, he immediately knew who was on board. Once the ship reached the sandy part of the island, there he saw the trickster he's been waiting for, Tonpa.

"Ah finally decided to betray that good-for-nothing lady captain, I see." Tonpa snickered at his own insult while walking towards Muko.

"I bet she's now fuming in anger." He added.

"You never change, Tonpa. Still giving insults behind a person's back." Muko commented with a smirk.

"Mmm you and I will get along just fine." Tonpa countered mirroring Muko's smirk.


At the other side of the island, another ship approach bearing a flag of a bloody red moon. No one saw the ship as it began to dock on the sandy beach at the other side of the island.

Four people came down following a path through the forest towards the other side of the island where a clueless Tonpa and the treacherous Muko are having their transaction.

One of those four people is the fearsome and respected lady captain of the well-known blood moon pirates. What Tonpa didn't know, he had already lost from the very point he received the letter from Muko.


"I see you've brought the prince" Tonpa stated with clear amusement in his voice. "He's expensive, alright" he commented whilst inspecting Kurapika's sleeping form.

"You'll take him then?" Muko asked.

"Of course," Tonpa replied. "I wouldn't let this huge opportunity pass." He added.

"And our deal?". Once again, Muko ask to make sure that Tonpa would stick to his word.

"Sure, sure, you'll get what you deserve in exchange for your great efforts" Tonpa exclaimed with a smirk plastered on his face.

With a snap of his fingers, two of his crew members carried Kurapika towards their ship. As Tonpa and his crew are walking away, he heard a shout from Muko. "Keep your end of the deal Tonpa!" Tonpa only waved his hand in reply without looking back at Muko, signaling that he understood the demands of the treacherous man.

Once they neared their ship, two men blocked their paths stopping them in their tracks. The trickster and his crew tried to escape, but when he turns around, he saw Muko already in a chokehold making him shiver in fear. He got even more scared when he saw the captain he feared the most. He couldn't believe his eyes, he had lost once again but this time he had no escape, however he refuses to accept his loss. He stood up straight smirking at the lady captain.

"Ahh, the honorable Tsuki Senshou" Tonpa address mockingly.

"This is where it all ends Tonpa, you have nowhere to go. Hand over both the prince and the princess." Tsuki demanded.

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