Chapter 10: Arc 2

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The Prince & The Pirate; Disappearance

5 Years Later

In a sunny morning, Killua sat on top of a barrel on a huge pirate ship in the docks of the Freecs Kingdom. He was left in charge by his captain or -should I say sister to guard their ship. His sister and the rest of the crew went on an errand in the Kingdom to buy supplies.

It has always been like this whenever they do task like buying supplies or rescuing pirates. At first, Killua doesn’t like to be left behind on an important task. He always gets irritated and frustrated in his sister’s decision but these irritations disappeared when he met a new friend.

“Looks like they gone off to buy supplies yet again and I’m stuck here……alone.” Killua said with a deep sigh. He was about to stand up but stopped when he heard someone calling his name in a whisper.

At first, he thought that it was just his imagination but when he looked down, on the docks stood a teenage boy in a black cloak. When the boy removed the hood of the cloak, that’s when Killua recognized the boy with a big smile on his face.

The boy has a greenish black hair that are effortlessly spiked up that makes it look spiky but are really smooth to touch.

“Ahh Gon” Killua whispered-yell as he let down the ladder to let Gon climb up.
Once Gon was able to climb up to the deck, they headed to the kitchen to hide from the guards who might see the prince.


We went to the kitchen as Killua looked inside the cabinets.

“Wow, your life is really different from mine although we are quite the same in some ways.” I said as I sat down on a chair looking at Killua.

“You think?” He paused and looked at me. “Actually, I like me being a pirate…. than the person they want me to be” he continued with a gloomy expression.

“What do you mean Killua?”

“Never mind” he paused once again and gave me a glass of water. “You know what, I think it’s better that you don’t know about it. Some secrets are just meant to be kept from other people to keep them safe.” He grinned slightly as he faces the cooking area.

I didn’t ask any further questions for I might push him to say things he doesn’t want anyone to know.

I decided to take a little detour in the ship but not before asking permission from Killua, he agreed and so I started walking to the deck.

‘Me and Killua are totally different from each other, he’s mysterious in many ways, I am probably the same to him. But for some reason, I didn’t regret that I passed that secret passage without my sister Gin nor my cousin Kurapika knowing about it especially my father.

I found the passage because of Aunt Mito’s stories about my mother – the queen who loves adventure on her own, my mother uses the passage when she was just a teenager to escape being a prisoner in her own kingdom and having a break from her duty as a princess.

My aunt didn’t tell us where it is and said that it was closed for some reason but I insisted to find it myself. It was hidden in my mother’s old room.

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