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In a faraway ocean called the Yorknew ocean, Three Kingdoms are divided by the ocean as they are protected by a border to the outside world that where the mysterious beyond lies, at least that’s what they say.

The people in the three kingdoms believed that the most dangerous beings lies outside the border, that is why the three Kings forbid all the people to go near it, thus the first kingdom ordered soldiers to guard the border.

The Nostrade Kingdom, the first Kingdom that has the control over the border. Light Nostrade, the King, is a great ruler but not really a good listener and his punishments are the worst.

The second Kingdom is called the Kurta Kingdom, they are known for their friendliness and the unique herbs that are found anywhere in their kingdom that were used for healing the sick or injured.

The Freecs Kingdom is the third kingdom, they are known for their great ruler, King Ging Freecs. They also have a great connection to the Kurta family.

All the people respect their Kings but not much respect as they give the King of Kings, although they have not seen his face before. The stories about him are quite famous to all the people, especially to those who truly believes his power over all the kings, those who want their freedoms, the Pirates.

The pirates are the people who are ruled by no one but they do respect the King of kings. They are people who are exiled from the kingdoms, especially from the Nostrade Kingdom.

They believe that the only person that can free them is the King of king but it has been impossible to get to where the great king lies for they have heard that the King of king’s palace is located beyond the border and it has been difficult to get through the guards and the mysterious creatures lies in the other side and the strongest people are the only one who can survive.

No one has ever entered or was able to get out of the border.


One day, chaos has taken place at the border and King Light has been informed about the unknown intruders at the borders. A large ship with a red crescent moon flag has been spotted outside the border. 

The intruders were boarding their ship outside the gates of the border as they listened to the guards who refuse to let them in. The guards assumed that they are pirates from the outside world.

The intruders are four people, a 16 years old young lady and a 14 years old boy, with a cat-like boy and a butterfly gent. The girl, who was believe to be the captain was irritated by them declining their request to enter.

“Let us in, we were task by the King of Kings” the lady announced as she stared angrily at the guards.

Upon hearing the proclamation of the lady, the guards were shock and speechless for they respect the king of kings but having doubts if the intruders are lying or not.

Nonetheless, the guards were stopped by their King and gave the intruders the nastiest look. “I believe I cannot let you in, I am the King who controls the border. I decide who come in and out”

“Then you leave us no choice” the captain muttered as a cloud of smoke surrounded the ship making it harder to see.

Just then, the gates bang close as the smokes clears only to find the ship nowhere in sight. King Light was furious to know that someone has disobeyed his orders. But despite being enraged, he has become rather curious of how the unknown pirates get through the gates and disappeared in an instant.

Interested and enraged by the mysterious intruders, the King ordered his guard to search far and wide for the strange pirates and won’t stop until they find them.

Meanwhile, the four membered pirates celebrated their success in entering the border of the Yorknew ocean. They are in fact pirates from the mysterious beyond for they have been set off by the King of Kings himself, they are given a very important tasks to give freedom to all.

They are called the Blood Moon Pirates, they are the royal’s personal Pirates but they refuse to let people know that and kept it a secret.

Their captain was known by the outside world as a great and powerful leader, her name is Tsuki. With her long silver locks and her piercing sapphire orbs, her enemies cower under her gaze and retreat without second thoughts.

With her First mate, her mischievous brother named Killua is rather playful and naughty but he is quite smart and wise in every way. He has this silver hair and sapphire eyes just like his sister and the two were inseparable.

Their other companions are rather unique people from a rare island in the mysterious afar and they serve as the royal guards of their own King and the King of Kings. They are ordered by the Great King to be a part of the task that are given to them.

One of their mates is a cat-like boy with a girl’s voice, she serves as the sniper of their crew for she is great at aiming. Her name is Neferpitou but she prefers to be called Pitou by her friends and of course her captain. She is quite the bubbly one, she has white hair and cat ears above her head, she also has a tail much like a real cat.

Their last companion has a cold personality and quite the opposite of Pitou, his name is shaiapouf, although Pitou likes to call him Pouf and he has gone used to it as the time passed. He loves reading books and playing his violin. His work is being their musician and a night guard along with Neferpitou.

Their first task is to get through the borders successfully without any trouble but of course it didn’t go as they wanted it to be, now that the King of the First Kingdom is after their heads.

However, they chose to solve that problem later because Tsuki was too anxious to finish their task as soon as possible and proceeded to the next part of their task and that is to find people who are worthy to be their crew member.

So, they set sailed to find the most trustable people and will not hesitate to risk their lives to become the most valuable member of their crew.

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