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Three Months Earlier

Mr. X clenched his fists as the massive praying mantis fell on top of the portal machine. Anne and the frog aliens had escaped once again and now there was no way to follow them. He pointed at the remaining members of the Boonchuy family in fury. "YOU! I hope you're ready to explain yourselves!"

Mr. Boonchuy slapped Mr. X's hand away. "And we hope you're ready to listen!"

"We have a lot to talk about!" Mrs. Boonchuy added.

"Oh goody..."


Mr. X rubbed his temples as the Boonchuys finished their explanation. "So you're telling me there's an entire dimension of frog people and their king wants to invade Earth using a magic music box. Do either of you have any idea how insane that sounds?"

"We know." Mr. Boonchuy said plainly. "But you've seen the Plantars and Anne's our daughter. She wouldn't lie to us about this."

"Are you sure about that?" Mr. X asked, narrowing his eyes.

Mrs. Boonchuy nodded her head. "She might have kept some of it secret from us initially, but she only did that to protect us."

Mr. X shook his head. "That's not what I meant. Are you sure that Anne is still your daughter?"

Both Boonchuys looked at Mr. X in bewilderment. The FBI agent continued before either of them could respond. "Based on what I saw, that girl that you claim to be your daughter might just be an alien. No mere human should have powers like the ones she displayed."

Mr. Boonchuy shook his head adamantly. "Anne's not an alien! Powers or not, she's still our kid."

Mr. X shrugged. "You may be right, but there's no denying that that girl is dangerous. She should be locked up in a government facility, not running around in another dimension doing god knows what."

Mr. X ignored Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy's cries of protest as he turned to Jenny. "Secure the machine and bring it back to base. I'll wrap this up."

Jenny nodded, running off to do as directed while Mr. X pointed at a squad of FBI agents. "Escort these civilians back to their homes. We're done here."

"Yes sir." The head agent replied as he and the other men forcefully grabbed each of Anne's allies as well as the Boonchuys and led them outside.

Mr. X hummed to himself as he watched the warehouse be cleared of all dangerous material and personnel. "Things just got a whole lot more interesting."


"Stop here, Jenners" Mr. X directed his partner as the FBI van pulled up in front of the children's museum.

The past few weeks had been some of the busiest in Mr. X's career as well as some of the most nerve-racking in his entire life. Just knowing that aliens truly did exist was a dream come true. However, the fact that those aliens might invade Earth in the near future put it mildly...concerning.

Simply sitting back and letting the aliens come was not something Mr. X wanted to do or thought that he should do. That's why he was here at the museum after all. He needed to find a way to strike first and hopefully keep Earth safe in the process. According to the background information the FBI had gathered on the scientist, Terri, the original technology behind their portal machine had come from a woman known as Dr. Frakes.

Mr. X stepped through the doors of the children's museum and immediately almost tripped over a small boy running along the floor with a cookie in his mouth. "Hey! Watch where you're going, kid!"

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