"Whaaaat ?" Niall opens his eyes wide with an amused smile

"Did you really just say that ?" Harry frowns

Louis covers his mouth with his hand and apologies: "sorry it came out by itself"

"Anyway when will the guest be there ?" Liam asks, trying to change the atmosphere.
Before anyone can answer, someone rings at the door.

"Guess you have your answer" Zayn smiles

"I'm going " I say before leaving the kitchen. I'm a little bit scared about the party because I don't know anybody, they're just all friends of Harry.

I open the door and, of course, I come face to face with James.

"What are you doing here ?" I enquire ignoring the girl who's standing next to him.

"Charlotte ? I had no idea you'd be here ! This is Jane, a friend of mine and she's been invited to this party so she wanted me to come as well" he explains, introducing the tall, blonde girl. I glance at her and give her a twisted smile. I open the door a little bit more and invite them to come in. When Hanna enters the hall and recognises James, who was one of her best friends as well, I take advantage of the opportunity and go to join Harry. I know he's not gonna appreciate that my ex is here.

"James is here" I state

"What the hell ! You invited him ?" He questioned

"Of course not ! He came with one of his friend that you invited" I defend

Harry doesn't say anything, he just sighs and leaves the room to greet the guests.


Harry's point of view

I bring to my lips my fourth glass of vodka. I'm starting to feel wasted but I'm so pissed off at this idiot who is turning around Charlotte that I don't care. He's been sticking her all the time and he's making her drink. I don't even know where they are now and it's annoying me even more.


I look up and see Zoe, one of Niall's friend. She sits next to me and starts talking. Suddenly James and Charlotte enter the living room. He has his hand on the bottom of her back and Charlotte is totally wasted. What the fuck did he do with her ? She's never wasted like this, she hates it.

"Can we go outside ?" I ask Zoe. I can't stay in this room, watching them like this.

"Sure" she smiles. I take her glass and mine and we leave the living room. Maybe it wasn't a good idea after all because Zoe starts acting weird. I know she's drunk but she starts to huddle me.
When she leaves to get another drink, Charlotte finally joins me outside. She stumbles on the first step and falls on the floor.

"God, are you okay ? You have to stop drinking, you've already had too much !" I worry rushing next to her.

"As if you cared ! You're too busy with your whore to pay attention" she snaps trying to get up.

"Are you fucking kidding me ? You're the one who's been avoiding me all night. You spent all of the party with your ex, dancing like a whore or a stripper with him and drinking a lot. Look at you, you can't even walk and your hair is in a total mess. Seriously what are you playing at ? You make me ashamed !"

I'm so mad at her but maybe I've been too direct and too harsh. Before I can apologise for what I've just said I feel her hand slapping me.
I look at her speechless and she covers her mouth with her hand, taking a few steps away, totally distraught.

"Did you just slap me ?"

"I'm... I'm sorry"

She looks at me with wide eyes and remains speechless before leaving the garden in a rush.
The two of us being wasted, it couldn't have ended up well. I should have never told her what I said, it was so rude and disrespectful and now I feel terrible for it. But she shouldn't have slapped me either.

"Is everything ok ?" Zoe asks entering the garden with a glass of rum in her hand.

"Actually no. I think I need a glass of water"

I don't even look at her and go back inside. The living room is almost empty, most of the guests have left. When I open the door of the kitchen, Charlotte is pressed against the wall and James is holding her wrists, trying to kiss her.

"Go away !" She jerks at him, without noticing I'm here.
He takes a few steps away and frowns.

"I have a boyfriend" she warns noticing me in the corner.

"Oh yeah you seem to !"

She doesn't answer him but looks down, nervously biting her lips. I get out of the kitchen, exasperated without even taking a glass of water.

"Harry !" She calls behind me. I stop and sigh but don't turn around.

"I'm sorry"

I turn to face her and try to make eye contact but she keeps looking down.

"We're not going to have this conversation now. We're both wasted, it won't end up well"

"Fine. I'm going to sleep then" she mumbles. We stare at each other for few seconds and she walks away.

"Charlotte !" I shout before she leaves the room. She snaps her head towards me.

"Just take a glass of water. Please. You're going to have a hangover tomorrow"

She gives me a twisted smile and climbs upstairs.
This party was shit and I didn't even have fun.

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