
49 2 3

You 15 years old

Antonio 5 years old

Everybody has their movie age

Pov Your gift is ice control and for this you always have to wear gloves (like Elsa) otherwise everything you touch could become ice. Abuela doesn't like your gift and when she talks with Antonio, she tells him that you're dangerous even if your his hermana. Antonio believes her and starts acting up whenewhere you talk with him. What are you parents going to do?          

This are Andrea thoughts.                    _______________________________________________________________________________

Your pov

I put my gloves on and leave my room. As i'm walking downstairs, Antonio collides with me and he falls to the ground. Mama and papa both come on the stairs, watching as Antonio falls. I look at him and then i help him standing up but as soon as my covered hand touches his hand he backs away, standing up on himself.

An: Don't touch me!

I look at him shocked. He never said that to me. My parents both come in front of me and mama takes Antonio in her arms as she looks at me worried then at Antonio angry.

Pe: Antonio Madrigal you don't say that your hermana. Say sorry now

I stood there, watching as Antonio argues with mom about saying "sorry" to me. Why can't i touch him? Have i done something? Is something wrong? Maybe i told him something yesterday and now he's upset with me. But i can't remember even talking with him yesterday. When was the last time i talked with him? Oh right, before Abuela took him and talked with him about his upcoming birthday. That was a long time ago, maybe last week? I don't remember. Why is Tonito upset with me? Maybe i did something wrong? Oh well i certainly did something wrong. Absolutely.

Antonio loves phisical touch especially from me and mama. He loves when we cuddle him. He loves when we hold his hand or his shoulder. He loves it. Then why he told me to "don't touch him"? I certainly did something wrong. Even though, i can't remember what. But i certainly did. 

Or maybe he thought that i made him fall porpusly. But...i would never do that. Never. No no no, i'm sure it something that i did and that made him upset. Maybe a joke? Or...maybe when i cleaned the nursery with mama and put to wash his teddy bear? Maybe he got upset because he didn't sleep with it? Or...he said not to touch him, it can't be. Tonito can't be...he can't. I never was since he was a little baby so how can he...he can't. There's nothing that would made, Antonio would never be. He loves me, I'm his hermana. 

But still...he didn't want me to touch him. He backed away when my hand touched his. Is he? Can he? 

Is he afraid of me?

Of course he is Andrea, you can literally freeze everyone with just a simple touch. Who wouldn't be scared of you? It's a miracle the villagers and the family still want you here. 

No, Tonito, he could never be afraid of me? But...he is afraid of you Andrea, everybody is afraid of you.

Pe: -drea? ANDREA!?

I shook myself out of my world hearing someone shouting my name. I look in front of me and see mama looking at me worried. Antonio is no more in her arms but he's in papa arms. 

I didn't realize i was lost in my thought until now. Mama is looking at me worried and everybody downstairs is too. Dolores seems understanding what went trough my mind since she was looking at me more worried that anyone. She was always the one person i went to when i was in my worts moments. And she's the only one that knows how much i struggle with my gift and what i think about myself. 

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