Ch 1

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Chapter 1

"You need a new babysitter mate. You've got to get out into the world and you can't do that if you have to stay home and watch the kid." Mino said in frustration. His best friend, Lalisa, who was practically a sister to him had the most boring, humdrum live that he had ever seen anyone live. And he had no idea why.

Lalisa was a beautiful-handsome girl, always had girls drooling , she was rich, had her freedom, she had a beautiful sweet four-year-old daughter, and she ran her own business. Lalisa pretty much had it all.

But all she ever did was work. Work, work, work that's all her life consisted of. she never spent any time with her kid; she barely spent time with her friends anymore. Hell, she didn't even have a nightly lay! Which made Mino wonder just when she'd last gotten laid.

Lalisa ignored Mino as she looked over the proposal for tomorrow's meeting. She hated this conversation, and it always came up. Why couldn't he just leave her alone to live her life the way she wanted too? There was nothing wrong with it. Lisa was a good provider for her daughter and that was her only thought to make the world better for her sweet princess. Her own personal needs came last.

"Mino, I've told you a million times, I don't have time."

Mino snorted at her. "Lisa, you have your own company for fucks' sake...make time."

Lalisa was about to retort when a little blonde-haired girl came skipping into the room. When she saw Mino, she ran over to him. "Uncle Mino!" She flew at his leg and held on with all her might squeezing him so he couldn't get away.

"Hey Niblet, how are you doing today?" Mino leaned down and pried her arms off from around his leg and then picked her up. He held her in his arms while he wiped away at the crumbs that were on her face.

She smiled at happily at him while trying to swat away his hand. "I okay. I ate lots and lots of cookies!" She exclaimed quite proud of herself.

Mino chuckled at her, God she was cute. Thank God she took after Lalisa and not her bitch of a dead mother. "Yes pet I can see that. How many did you have?" He asked.

She looked up at the ceiling then back at him. "I don't know but it was a lot." She held up for his appraisal an empty Chips Ahoy bag.

Mino took the bag and turned crossed eyes to Lalisa. "Geez Lisa, see..." he held the empty bag out shaking it, as the crumbs fell out of the bag and onto the rug. "...this is why you need a new babysitter. The Niblets gone and ate the whole bag!"

Lisa finally looked up from the proposal to see Mino holding her daughter and shaking cookie crumbs out on her $800 rug. "Hey...hey, watch the crumbs please, unless you want to vacuum."

Kathy looked from her daddy back to her favorite Uncle. "Is okay Uncle Mino, daddy said so."

"Oh she did, did she?" She shook her head; her little blonde curls bopping up and down.

"And will Daddy take care of you when your little belly starts to rumble." He placed his hand on her belly and shook it, making Kathy laugh. "Stop Uncle Mino, that tickles!"

"Okay Niblet..." He put her on the floor "...why don't you go clean up a little while I talk to Daddy some more."

"Otay." Just as quickly as she skipped into the room, she happily skipped out.

Mino brushed the crumbs off his shirt and sat down in front of Lisa, staring at her and scolding her at the same time.

"I don't want to hear it Mino, she's fine."

"Yeah, until she dies from junk food poisoning."

Lalisa sighed and finally looked up. "Look what would you have me do! I tried to get a new babysitter, but they keep leaving. They all say the same thing, she's too wild and they can't control her."

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