Chapter 20

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Augustus kisses me with so much passion it says all the words between us that neither of us said out loud. His hand that wrapped around my throat pulling me into the kiss ends up wrapping around my head into my hair. He moans into my mouth as my tongue slides into his mouth exploring him.

After a few minutes he pulls away so we can both catch our breaths, his forehead pressed against mine.

"I thought you said you couldn't stop" I tease him.

"I can't" he says placing soft kisses across my cheeks and down my neck. "But you need to be able to breath"

I giggle at him as a do my best to shove him away but he doesn't budge. He moves off of me pecking my lips one more time before going back to his control panel.

"Can you go tell Amari we are ready to take off?"

"Where are we going?" I ask nervously, taking in the sight of the old equipment on his spaceship.

"Planet X503" he says turning around to look me in the eyes, probably wanting to see my reaction. And boy did he get one.

"I- your- space-" I stutter through my words as I try to take in what he just said. He's sending this spaceship back to him home planet.

Can I even survive on that planet?

So many questions run through my head as I think of all the possibilities of going back to his home planet.

"Calm down Malia" Augustus says as he laughs at my reaction.  "I think it's pretty clear at this point I would protect you from any danger"

I blush at his words. "I'll go tell Amari" I say and quickly turn around leaving him alone in the control room.

I find Amari looking through the bedrooms, probably trying to pick one. I stand in the doorframe as she looks around, her back to me.  I take in the moment of watching her, I'm happy we are going back to her home planet. She will never have to be a slave to a human again.

She stops her search and stands completely still for a few moments before quickly turning around to see me. Her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

She walks up to me quickly and begins looking over my body.

"Amari?" I question. 

"You smell funny" she says as she searches my body. "I've smelt you for years now Malia. I know what you smell like. Right now you smell..... alien like?"

Her eyes instantly flash to my face where I try my best to keep up a good poker face.

"Oh! Oh!!! You- he? You kissed!" She says in realization. 

"Augustus is ready for takeoff" I say pointing to the control room in embarrassment and quickly turn around walking away. With Amari quickly following behind me.

"You don't get to drop that bomb on me and walk away Malia! How was it?" Amari says with to much excitement as she follows me into the control room.

"How was what?" Augustus asks

"Nothing" Amari and I says quickly at the exact same time.

Augustus looks between us waiting for one of us to crack. When neither of us do he just shakes his head with a chuckle.

Amari and I both take our seats for takeoff and Augustus does as well at the control panel.

"Amari you're going to need to monitor Malia" Augustus says looking back at both of us.

"Monitor?" I ask

"You're definitely going to pass out from the G-force. Your body wasn't designed to handle this spacecraft" Augustus explains as he turns on the spaceship hitting a bunch of different buttons that I don't know what they do.

"I won't die right?" I ask scared.

Augustus gives me a look that immediately calms my nerves. He wouldn't do anything that put me in danger. He gets up from his seat and makes sure Amari is fully buckled into her seat. He then walks over to me and checks all my restraints as well, and gives me a kiss on the forehead in front of Amari, immediately making my face as red as a tomato.

The spacecraft begins a count down from thirty and Augustus takes his seat as well, strapping himself into the chair.

"Sweet dreams Malia" Augustus says as the count down gets to 1.

I feel the engines blast us off the ground as I grip the seat tightly. I look over at Amari who has the biggest smile on her face I've ever seen her have. And then without any warning, everything immediately goes black as my body goes limp.

"How long do you think she will be out?" I hear Amari question.

I keep my eyes closed wanting to hear more of their conversation while they think I'm still passed out.

"I just put us on autopilot to x503 so she should wake up any time" I hear Augustus's voice from a little father away.

"Augustus you're going to have to tell her soon" I hear Amari say from beside me. I can feel her running her fingers through my hair. It takes every ounce of energy I have to not shoot my eyes open and ask what the fuck they are talking about.

"I know" he sounds frustrated.

"Preferably before we land. You don't want her finding out from someone else" Amari says walking further in the direction of where I heard Augustus from. 

"I'm aware of what needs to be done Amari" he whispers strictly at her.

"Are you?" Amari says and I hear them both storm out of wherever I am. Leaving me in silence.

I open my eyes to find myself alone in the same area I was when we took off but this time more reclined in the chair.I test my limbs that seem to be working normally and follow where I think the two ran off too during their argument.

I eventually come across a kitchen, and my stomach growls at me, alerting me that food would probably be a smart idea. I start searching through the cabinets in search of food but don't exactly know what I'm looking at with all this space stuff around me.

"Little human" I hear from behind me, making me pause in my movements and turn around.

"I'm hungry" I blush

Augustus walks up to me unbearably close and reaches behind me grabbing something, but I don't dare to move, fully captivated by his beauty. He grabs a silver looking bag and fills the bag with boiling hot water, closing the bag securely shut again, and then places it back down on the counter top.

"Give it 5 minutes and then you can eat" he says to me, his breath fanning my face.

"What is it?" I ask confused looking at the silver metal looking bag.

"It's not great but I didn't expect to be bringing back a little human" he says rubbing his thumb against my cheek. "Think of it like alien version of spaghetti" he says.

"Thank you" I say looking up at him. Thanking him for more than just the food.

Augustus watches as I eat my food. At first I was taken aback by the weird flavors but eventually my tastebuds got used to the flavor and I didn't think it was that bad.

"Where's Amari?" I say as Augustus watches me closely.

"She's in her room, probably contacting her family" he says staring at me like he wasn't done talking. "Come, I want to show you something" he reaches his hand out for me as he stands coming to my side.

I reach out and grab his hand and he begins walking me through the space station.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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