"Hey, Mr. Beck-"

"Your life's going swell, apart from breaking up with my sister" She said adding the last part as i looked at her wide eyed

"Now, here's some news-"

"That's not so fun to tell"

"Now, Andre liked to thank you for the use of your car"

"but something icky happened and its kind of bizarre"

"His grandmother peed in a clear plastic cup"

"Andre put it in your car, then he started it up"

"Now comes the bad part" The sang together looking at eachohter

"He was on his way to the doctor, and he took a sharp turn"

"The cup fell over, and spilled all the urine" Robbie sand as Beck looking at me before letting out a sigh

"64 plus 9 equals 73"

"But please dont feel bad, now that your car smells like pee"

"Cause you're still good looking" They finished together, as Robbie threw his guitar pick in the air and caught it

"Well, im not thrilled about the urine in my car. But i liked your song, so im okay with it" He said as we walked away

We were rehearsing Sikowitz's play, i had one line. But the whole time im jus supposed to sit on the couch, and not talk

"Whats wrong, mom?" Tommy aka Andre asked looking at Nancy aka Jade

"You seem awful upset" Carter aka Beck

"Dont you understand? Your father's an astronaut. Its hsi dream to walk on the moon, but now that might never happen because of his narcolepsy"

"What's narcolepsy?" Beck asked

"It's when you're always falling asleep, even when you're not tired"

"Car door sound affect" Sikowitz said pointing at Sinjin

"Oh, i just heard your fathers car. Now boys, and um-"

"Ariana" I said as Beck grabbed my hand standing me up, that was my only line.

"My girlfriend"

"No matter how narcoleptic he is, you pretend you dont notice" She said as we all nodded

"Nancy, boys, Ariana, im home!"

"Hi, honey"

"Hey, dad"

"hi there, dad"

"Oh, hello, Car-" But she was cut off as she fell onto the couch

"Oh! Its all right, its all right now. Honey"

"Im up! im up! So, Tommy, how was school today?" Tori asked pointing at Beck

"Im Carter" Beck said

"Im Tommy" Andre said looking at her, as she sighed

"Oh, what kind of father am i? Im so darn narcoleptic, i cant even tell my own twin sons apart"

"Its not your fault. They're identical. Look at them"

"Oh, Nancy, you're so-" but once again she stopped as she passed out right onto Jade

"Sweetheart, darling"

"Blast off!"

"No, no. You were saying, im so-"

"Right, you're so good, gentle. How can you love a sleepy lose like me?"

"You're no sleepy loser. You're an astronaut" Jade said looking around before looking at Tori

"I love you"

"I love you"

"Uhh, no you dont" Sikowitz said looking up at them

" Light a candle, burf. This place stinks."

"I dont have a candle" He said looking at him

"Then get a better haircut"

"Shake it off, Burfs. He's just in a mood" Sinjin said putting his hand on Burf's shoulder

"You girls are ruining this play"

"Andre, Beck, Cyn. Take five" Sikowitz said as we left

"I dont even know why im in the play, i have one line" I said sitting on Beck's lap

"You guys back together?" Andre said looking at us


"Maybe" Beck and i said at the same time

"No, we arent" i said looking at him

"Maybe, we are."

"We arent"

"Maybe" he said looking at me as i rolled my eyes

"Dont do that" he whispered, as Andre got up and left, and now we're alone

"Dont do what?"

"Dont roll your eyes at me, Cynthia" Beck said as i rolled my eyes once more, as he placed his hand on my throat

"i said dont"

"I dont care" i whispered looking away from him, as he turned me around so i was now facing him but still sitting on his lap

"Well, i do care, so dont do it" he said as we both began to lean in, as our lips connected

I put my hands around his neck, as he put his on my hips

"Fuck, i miss this" he mumbled breaking out kiss, as he began to kiss my neck

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now