Bonus Chapter - Basketball

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((Pardon the mistakes, this wasn't spellchecked. If there's a horrific crime against grammar that you'd like fixed, please let me know.))

"What do you mean 'learn to play basketball'?" Luz asked curiously. She looked over at her girlfriend, who was placing a box down gingerly on her desk. The purple haired law student had asked if she could return to their once shared dorm room, something Luz was ecstatic about. Most of her belongings hadn't been unpacked yet, but the corners of their shared room were obscured by the stacked cardboard boxes.

"Exactly how it sounds!" She turned to Luz, smiling nervously. "You always talk about basketball, and I want to learn about something you care for so much!" She wrung her hands together, something Luz had learned to be a nervous habit of her's.

Luz placed the box she'd been holding on the floor, and walked to stand beside Amity. "Sure, Sweet Potato! I'll teach ya, no need to worry!" She pulled her into a hug, burying her face into Amity's shoulder.


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That's why they were here now, in the empty basketball court at 4:00am on a Saturday morning. Amity was still waking up, hot coffee clutched tightly between her hands as she listened to Luz.

"Okay! Let's just start with the basics!" She grabbed a basketball out of the bag they were stored in. "You just wanna shoot the ball and get it in the hoop. You can shoot from however close you want, just try to get it in. The three point line is here." Luz pointed to a black line on the slick floor. "Or you can shoot from the sides if you want."

Luz held the basketball between her hands, facing towards Amity and away from the hoop. She tossed it backwards over her head, towards the hoop. It bounced off the backboard, and fell to the floor with a thunk.

"Dang it, I was hoping I'd score that and it'd be so cool." She laughed lightly, hand on the back of her neck.

"You're plenty cool." Amity put her coffee on the bench she sat on, before standing up to grab a ball. "Just not that cool." She smirked.

"Hey!" Luz chuckled, elbowing her girlfriend playfully. "C'mon! Let's turn you from boring law student to awesome basketball pro!" She retrieved the ball she'd thrown from the floor and got ready to shoot again. Amity smiled and rolled her eyes before following Luz onto the court.

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"Okay, like this." Amity muttered to herself, trying to copy Luz's movements. Despite being on the taller side, she hadn't been blessed with the natural athletic abilities that Luz had. After what felt like her 45th missed shot, (it was her 9th) the stubborn girl finally asked for help. "Hey, could you explain this?"

"Huh?" Luz sunk another shot, before turning to Amity. "How to shoot? Sure!" She came closer to the hoop, where Amity stood with a basketball in hand. "Okay, so, you kinda wanna hold it like.. this!" She stood behind Amity, chin resting on her shoulder as she adjusted the ball in her hands.


"Now, raise it up!" Luz put her hands over Amity's and lifted them both up. "And aim your shot!" Amity had trouble focusing on aiming when Luz was behind her, tongue poking out the corner of her mouth as she helped steady the purple haired girl's aim.

She giggled lightly, prompting Luz to ask: "What's so funny, Blight-y?"

"You're adorable when you do that." She smiled, going back to aiming. When no rebuke was returned, Amity looked over her shoulder to see a grinning, red-faced Luz. "Aww.." She cooed, and Luz rolled her eyes.

"Focus." Luz said, gesturing to the hoop. "Just like.. that! Shoot it, Blight-y!" Luz stepped back, giving Amity plenty of space to throw the ball. She did just that, and it landed cleanly in the hoop, making a satisfying swoosh on the way down. "First basket!"

"Yeah!" Amity spun around, beaming. She pulled Luz into a hug that lasted quite a while. "Hey, when are you finally going to stop calling me that?"

"What? Blight-y?"


"When you're no longer Amity Blight, I guess?" Luz shrugged, pulling away from the slight remains of an embrace to look at her girlfriend.

"What does that mean?" Amity crossed her arms. She sounded annoyed, but the smirk on her face betrayed her. Luz could tell she was amused with the situation.

"Dunno! Maybe if you were to change your name to something cooler, like hmm.. Amity Noceda, I'd stop!" Luz grinned, stuffing her hands into her pockets. "Oh, that's not like, a proposal! We're a little young for that.." She laughed awkwardly. "Just a thought."

"Uh-huh." Amity stood quietly for a moment, her face red. She seemed to gather her wits hastily, and returned fire. "You seriously think it'll be Amity Noceda and not Luz Blight?" She smiled at Luz, who, after registering the statement, seemed to cease to function for a moment.

"We'll deal with that in the future!" Luz said, recovering. Sure, she'd definitely considered it, but it's not like she would tell Amity that.

"Yeah." She smiled at the thought. It truly was a nice one.

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This bonus chapter was made due to a little request/idea from @MelodyBrap on the chapter before this one. Hope you liked this little baby chapter. The ending though, with the last name debate, comes from something me and my siblings were discussing.

So, I'll pass the question onto you lot:

If Luz and Amity get married, who changes their last name? Maybe they combine them? Or neither changes their last name? What do you think?

Thanks for Reading! Have a good one!

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Word Count: 964

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