Chapter Four: Rules and Regulations

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"30 Days"
Chapter Four: Rules and Regulations

"One month. 30 days. I could make you fall for me."

"What?" Amity said back, unsure that she heard right. "That's absurd. You wouldn't be able to. I can't stand you, not to mention the fact that I don't like girls."

"Then it should be easy for you, huh? Or are you just chicken? Anyways, once I'm proven right, we'll both be happy. Right?" Luz grinned.

"Don't go assuming you'll win. Once September is over, and I haven't fallen for you, I'll never have to see you again."

"I'm confident enough to take that risk. When September ends, you'll want me to stay Blight-y!"

"Shut up, and stop calling me that."

Amity opened her book and started reading again. She couldn't force herself to stay focused on the words, her mind and heart equally racing. She didn't want Luz to leave, but eventually Odalia would force them to stop talking. It's better for Luz to leave now, than after they've become friends, Amity supposed. She stole a glance back at Luz, who was grinning like an idiot while writing something down.

Amity didn't hesitate at all to accept the challenge, deal? What was this? A game? Luz wasn't sure. She was still in shock that she had the confidence to say that, forget Amity actually agreeing. Why did she agree, Luz wondered, trying to make sense of the terms. She was writing as she thought, something to help her organize her ideas. A rules and regulations list, sort of.

"Hey Blight-y." Luz looked over at her, and pretended she didn't catch Amity staring.


"I'm laying ground rules and you need to help." Luz said, tapping on the paper she held.

"That's.. actually a good idea. What do you have so far?" Amity asked, putting her book down.

"Uhh.." Luz handed the paper to Amity. All that was on it was an elaborately designed title that read; "Rules."

"I don't know what I was expecting.." Amity muttered. She put the paper on her desk. "First off, what is this? A bet? A deal? An agreement?"

"I thought it was a deal, since we aren't gambling or anything." Luz shrugged, leaning back onto her bed. "What do you think?"

"A deal works." Amity said, tapping her pencil on the desk. "No one else can know about this." She added, writing it down.

"Okay, that's fine with me." Luz said back. "Not hitting on you in public might be tough though." Luz winked.

"Let's also make it a rule that if you break a rule, you'll face capital punishment." Amity replied nonchalantly.

"The death penalty??" Luz asked, sitting up quickly.

"I was thinking more along the lines of, you quit basketball and I drop out of college. You lose your chance to play professionally, and I don't get to finish law school. Fair?" Amity asked, starting to write it down.

"Hey wait, I get we're both staking our careers on not breaking rules, but you've got you parents and Blight Security as a fall back plan, I don't." Luz said, glaring at Amity. Obviously, Luz wasn't happy about putting her career on the line when Amity wasn't going to lose it all as well.

"I'll leave the company to my older siblings if I break a rule, and won't accept money from my parents or anyone else." Amity added, to which Luz agreed.

"What's your policy on dates?" Luz asked, pulling out a chair and sitting beside Amity so she could see the paper too. Amity's hand writing was neat, the letters were strung together nicely in cursive.

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