Chapter 1: The Pendulum Beat

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[You Show Duel School, 4 Years After The Incident.]

Yuya — 1900 x5
Field: Odd-Eyes Dragon(LV: 7 ATK: 2500), Stargazer Magician(LV: 5 DEF: 2400), 2 facedown cards

Gongenzka — 3000 x2
Field: Super Heavy Samurai Big Benkei(LV: 8 DEF: 3500)

"Alright Yuya it's your turn! Give it everything you got to impress the crowd!"Gongenzka yelled.

"That I will! Now Ladies and gentlemen watch as I summon from my hand... The spectacular Entermate Hip Hippo(LV: 3 ATK: 800)!"The Pink Hippo appeared and Yuya hopped on."Now! I'll follow in my fathers foot steps and do a disappearing act just as he did!"Yuya announced as Hip Hippo began running off.

The crowd began laughing, not with Yuya, but more likely AT him.

"Yuya! Can you take things more seriously!"The pink haired girl in the control room yelled, frustrated at Yuya for his actions.

"No can do Yuzu!"He responded smiling.

"Damnit Yuya!"Yuzu slammed her fist down onto the controls, making them spark, everything then began going hay wire.

The action field began glitching out eventually everything disappeared and Yuya landed flat on his butt. "Ow... Yuzu whats up!? I was getting to the best part!"Yuya asked tilting his head.

Yuzu's father, Shuzo then walked in." Yuzu! What do you think you're doing!?"He asked trying to fix the controls, eventually everything started shaking and sparking, causing Yuzu to run out the rool and shut the door with her father still inside, finally everything blew up.

"Ouch thats gotta hurt!"Yuya said snickering a bit. He then began walking off before Yuzu got in front of him.

"Yuya! You gotta take this more seriously! We're trying to get new students here!"Yuzu said angrily.

"Theres no harm in making the crowd laugh a bit!"Yuya responded.

"The Crowd wasn't laughing with you, they were laughing AT you Yuya!"Gongenzka said walking up behind him.

"And that joke wasn't quite funny either!"Yuzu added.

"Yuya, your father carried the legacy of this school and now that he's gone its your turn to step up and be a Sakaki and do what he can't anymore!"Gongenzka yelled.

"It's not as if I wanted to be a Sakaki in the first place! Hell he doesn't even want me to be one..."Yuya began walking away ignoring the two.

"Yuya what he said before he disappeared he didn't mean! You know i-"Yuzu was cut off by Gongenzka putting a hand on her and shaking his head.

"No point in arguing."Gongenzka said quietly.

Yuya walked into Shuzo's office to see him sitting down with a mam dressed in a yellow and black suit with purple glasses.

"Just the person I wanted to see!"He said.

"Aren't you Nico Smiley?"Yuya asked.

"Righto! I'm here because the Sledgehammer has challenged YOU to a duel to replace your father since he couldn't duel them those two years back!"Nico said.

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