luke: cOuNtRy gIRl shAkE iT fOR mE

sam: huh?

luke: you said yall

luke: country talk

luke: i love americans

sam: shut up breadstick

sam: sorry that was addie

luke: the SASS

sam: all jokes nothing but luv 4 u lucas

luke: nothin but luv 4 u 2 sam?

luke: did i do it right

sam: im getting ready goofball so ill see you soon

luke: make addie drive!!

luke: i wanna talk to you

sam: clingy much

luke: only 4 u

sam: cringy

luke: but you just did it!!

sam: it was a moment for it that wasnt

luke: you're feisty today

luke: who pissed in your cheerios

sam: my fucking mom did

sam: sorry i dont mean to be snappy

luke: what happened? ):

sam: she tells me today that i have to
call the school and decline my offer
today because they've been calling
and calling.

sam: so thats what i get to do later (:

luke: oh im sorry babe

sam: it had to happen at some point right

sam: speaking of which let me call them
rn since im coming over :p

luke: okay! hurry!

"hello, this is adam pierces school of culinary, amanda speaking."

"um, hi. i have to unfortunately decline
my offer for the school year coming next year."

"okay, may i get your name?"

"samantha rayne."

"may i ask why ms. rayne?"

"unfortunately, i do not have finance
for the tuition. i've tried to figure out
a way around it and sadly i have no
opportunities to pay for it. i tried
applying to the scholarships but they
were all filled. thank you for the opportunity though, truly."

"um, ms. rayne?"


"your tuition has been paid in full. there
is no tuition balance."


"yes, it says here luke hemmings paid
for your tuition in full, and you're set to
start in may. or, am i still canceling that?"

"no, no. i can start in may, thank you."

"ms. rayne, if i may. whoever this luke is,
i'd say hes a keeper for sure."

"yeah, ha. thank you, have a nice day."

"you too, ms. rayne."

sam: luke.

luke: hey, sam

sam: luke.

luke: ....

luke: before you get upset

luke: i couldn't sit here and chase my dream only to leave you with yours gone.

sam: luke that is 50k.

luke: actually...

sam: oh god what did you do

luke: look. you work so hard for everything and i figured maybe if your mortgage was paid off you'd be able to put all your focus into the school...

sam: luke that is too much. 

luke: its not that big of a deal

sam: almost 100k is a big deal.

luke: not to me, sam.

luke: really, i wanted to.

sam: i fucking love you

sam: yk not like THAT yet but

luke: yet?

sam: i mean

sam: idk im flustered ignore me

luke: nonono tell me

sam: i just mean ... idk

sam: i feel like we have something?

sam: i may be imagining it all

sam: nvm im def imagining it im so sorry

sam: ignore me im delulu

luke: sam.

sam: luke.

luke: come to my room, alone.

sam: okay..

luke: i'll see you soon.

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