Sam Meets Reign

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"Reign. You have a visitor today." The nurse stood at her room door.

"Tell my mother that I don't want to see her." Reign sat on her bed, writing a new entry into her diary that was laying across her legs.

"Oh you'll want to take this visit." The nurse gestured for her to get up. "Come on. It might do you some good to see who it is."

Reign rolled her eyes. "Fine. If I must." She placed her diary aside and got up to follow.

"Over there." She pointed from the patio door of the facility.

Sam was sitting outside on the bench with her back to the door. She had decided to visit her sister that day after having a lengthy talk with Lena about it since Alex and Kara had to visit their mother for lunch. All it took was a phone call to Reign's mother from the number she found in the file, to find her and was told that her sister was back in rehab. She was a tad bit nervous that Reign wouldn't want to meet her, and everyone couldn't stop looking at her but a voice behind her caught her attention.

"I didn't request another shrink." Reign stood there with her arms folded across her chest.

Sam took a moment to wipe her sweaty hands on her suit pants. "That's because I'm not one." She stood up and turned around. "Hi Reign. I'm Sam. Your sister."

Reign just stood there, stared and couldn't believe her eyes. It was like she was looking into the mirror. "You're... Here..."

"I am." Sam pointed to the space next to her. "Would you like to sit?"

"Ok, sure." Reign sat down but set her gaze to her feet. "I'm guessing it's taken you this long to find me because you didn't know?"

"No, I didn't know about you until this morning." Sam pulled the folder out of her bag and sat it on her lap.

"What's that?" Reign gave Sam the side eye.

"Well, this contains stuff on us that my adoptive mother gave to me. Don't ask how she got it as I haven't asked her that yet." Sam looked into the distance. "We aren't exactly on good speaking terms right now."

"Can I see?" Reign asked. "Please?"

"Um, yeah." Sam handed it over. She watched Reign go through each piece of paper that was in there and then closed it. "My mother, well adoptive mother gave it to yours."

"She did?" Sam frowned.

"Yeah. It's a very long story."

"Do you wanna talk about it? I have time and if it's alright, I would like to get to know you. The sister I never got to grow up with."

Reign handed the folder back. "Alright." She pulled her cardigan tighter around her thin frame despite the day being warm. "When my adoptive parents went into the agency, they were offered to adopt twins but since they only wanted one child and we were the only ones up for adoption at the time, they paid a high sum of money to leave you behind and only take me, also to keep it quiet that we were siblings. Throughout the years, guilt ate away at them as they deprived me of growing up without my sister. Anyway I was thirteen when they told me about it all and then about you and that's when I lost it. I started acting out at school, my grades dropped and I wouldn't listen to anything my parents told me to do. I ran away from home at fifteen and got into a load of trouble. I got mixed up in the wrong crowds at school, got into drugs and alcohol when I got older and turned to a life of crime. I had multiple relationships at seventeen that never worked out and I eventually got caught. I ended up in prison but I didn't stay there very long. Just a couple months in fact. They found my crimes to be only minor and let me off with a warning that if I was caught again, I wouldn't get off so lightly next time."

"So you've had a pretty hard life huh." Sam said with a sigh.

"You could say that although I did do it to myself." Reign said. "I turned back to using drugs and alcohol until at nineteen, I was caught trying to pawn off stolen rings and bracelets after robbing the jewellery store and I landed myself back in prison again but this time for a lot longer than the first. I was in there for a number of years before I was released on bail with the condition that I get help so I went home and told my mother that I wanted to get checked into rehab. She allowed me back and agreed that it would do me some good then told me that she had gone back to the agency a couple years after I ran away from home explaining the situation to them and they had given your address to her but when she got there, she was told that you no longer lived there anymore, leaving the file in the hopes that one day we would meet."

"I didn't because I was kicked out of home at sixteen." Sam discreetly swiped at a tear forming in the corner of her eye.

"What did you do?" Reign side eyed her.

"I got pregnant with my daughter, my mother wanted me to get an abortion and I refused so she kicked me out, leaving me to fend for myself and my unborn child."

"Damn, what a bitch." Reign muttered making Sam snort. "Not sorry for that by the way. So I'm an aunt?"

"Don't be because I thought the same." Sam pulled out her phone, found a picture of Ruby and passed it over. "Her name is Ruby. She's sixteen and yes you're her aunt."

"Wow. She's pretty. She looks so much like you." Reign handed Sam's phone back. "Are you a Lawyer or something?" She eyed Sam's expensive business suit.

Sam chuckled. "No. I'm the Chief Financial Officer for L-Corp or CFO for short."

"Fancy. How about you tell me more about yourself."

Sam told her about her life, her own struggles. Her time at MIT, how she met Lena and ended up becoming her best friend and everything else in between. "I was told this isn't the first time you've been in here."

"My mother tell you that?" Reign arched her eyebrow. "I saw she left her number in there."

"She did. I called her to find out how I could find you and she told me you were in here again."

"Oh boy..." Reign muttered. "No it's not the first unfortunately. I've been admitted into this place a number of times. It was always the same. I'd come here and get better but not long after I left, I would relapse and land my ass back here. A vicious cycle that I can't seem to get myself out of."

Sam sat there silent for a moment. "Well, now that we have met, maybe I can help you get better and stay that way. If you would allow me to that is?"

"I guess..." Reign shrugged her shoulders. "I think I would like that. Thank you Sam."

"You're welcome, Reign. Anyway I better get back to work before Lena fires my ass for being late." Sam laughed.

"Really? You'd get fired just like that?" Reign snorted. "Even though she's your best friend?"

"No." Sam laughed again. "I'm just kidding. Lena won't fire me. I'll just stay later than usual to catch up although she knows where I am." She stood up. "Am I allowed to have a hug before I go?" she held her arms out.

Reign stood up. "Yeah, of course." She gave Sam a hug.

Sam let go then pulled a notepad out of her bag and wrote her number down. "Take this. If you ever need to talk, just give me a call. It was really good to meet you, Reign."

Reign took the paper from Sam. "Thank you and it was really good to meet you as well. Will you visit again? And maybe bring your daughter? If she wants to come that is. I would really like to meet her."

"Would tomorrow be ok?"

"Yeah. That would be fine, see you tomorrow then." Reign smiled. "I better go. I have an AA meeting to get to." She saw the nurse waving at her from the door and pointed at her watch.

"No problem. Bye Reign." Sam waited for her sister to leave then left herself.

Walking back into work, Sam felt a lot happier then when she turned up this morning. Stepping into the elevator and making her way up to Lena's office, the happy smile was about to be wiped off her face the second she walked through the door upon seeing Maggie standing in the room along with Kara and Alex and Ruby.

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