The File

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"Who is Reign, Patricia?" Sam asked again waving the piece of paper in the air, nearly slapping Patricia in the face when she didn't say anything.

Patricia sighed. "When my husband was still alive, we found out early on that I couldn't have children so we decided to go to the local adoption agency and adopt a child-"

Sam just about choked on her saliva. "So, you're saying I'm adopted?" She slapped the paper down on the table. "All this time, I was never your biological child." She sat back in her chair, pinching the bridge of her nose as a migraine started forming behind her eyes. "You also didn't answer my question. Who is Reign?"

"No Sam. You are not my biological daughter and to answer your question, like I said all the information is in that file."

Sam sat there quietly with her head down and eyes closed. "Why can't you just-"

"Mom?" Ruby stood there with a water bottle in her hand.

Opening her eyes, Sam turned around. "Hey Rubes. How are you feeling?"

Ruby sat down. "I'm alright. Sorry I ran off again. I just needed time to think." She passed her mother the bottle. "Here. It looks like you have a headache."

"Thank you and don't apologize Ruby. You did nothing wrong. Where's Lena and Kara?" Sam took a sip to wet her dry throat.

"Aunt Lena's in her office having a meeting and Kara has gone to grab some breakfast with Krypto." Ruby's eyes drifted to the folder. "What is that?"

Sam placed the bottle down. "Apparently, Patricia isn't my biological mother, she's my adoptive one. In this file, there is information that she kept from me and I was just about to find out who this person is." She slid the paper towards her daughter.

"Wait... you're adopted?" Ruby looked at Sam with wide eyes. "And you didn't tell her?" she turned her head to Patricia.

"No, I didn't and I should have, I know that. Just please read what's in front of you." Patricia looked between the pair.

Alex lay her hand gently on Sam's forearm. "I'll be back. I need to use the bathroom and grab something to eat." She stood from her seat. "Ruby did Kara say where she was going?"

"Yeah, she was going to the café across the street."

"Thanks Rubes." Alex placed a kiss atop her head and kissed Sam on the cheek then left.

"Mom can I look at that please." Ruby pointed to the folder.

"Sure." Sam slid the whole thing over. "I think we are done here for now and I need time to process everything. I'll call you to talk more because we aren't done yet."

"As you wish, Sam." Patricia got up and walked to the door, Jacob holding it open. "I really am sorry." She said before leaving the room.

Ruby saw her mother rub at her temples and pulled out her phone, sent Jess a text to bring some pain relievers and went through the folder in front of her. Sam moved next to her so she could also look through.

There were original birth certificates belonging to two children. Twins to be exact who were given up and adopted out when they were newborns to two different families. Separated from each other. There were also the armbands with their names on it and other documents pertaining to their birth from the hospital and the adoption agency.

"How the hell did Patricia get her hands on all this and why not tell me." Sam looked up to see Jess walk in with some pain relievers and place them on the table.

"So, Reign, I'm assuming is your twin sister and my aunt." Ruby sighed as she held up a paper. "Are you going to find her?"

Sam pulled her daughter closer and rested her chin on top of her head. "Yes. I don't know how it would go or if she would ever want to see me but I would like to at least try meet my sister."

"I think that would be a good idea. By the way, Aunt Lena found me hiding in the toilets when I ran off." Ruby curled further into her mother.

"Don't worry about it." Sam sighed and kissed Ruby's temple. "Now, how about we go find the others, get something to eat and fill them in on everything." She placed the papers back into the folder and shoved it into her handbag.

"Alright." Ruby stood and followed her mother out of the room.

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