pain & fears

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‿෴ now we are one ෴‿

When she opened her eyes the next time, there was a glow to them that hadn't been there prior. Her legs, for what she had imagined to be mauled, seemed perfectly fine. The only indication that something had happened were the rips where she had thought the creature had cut into her but, well, it had hadn't it?

Her brows furrowed as she traced a finger along the rip in her pants, and she stared at the lack of scar on her skin. The thing had torn almost all the way to bone. Wait, how was she alive? The thing had–she flinched, drawing the fabric on her pants away and squinted. Something was wrong, the whole situation was off, and there wasn't...

Hello? A voice called it, or not a voice but the voice of the demon that had just been in front of her. Her mouth parted in preparation for a yell but when she tried to speak nothing came out. I'm not out there.

Out there? Out where? Outside your body.

Her back locked up as goosebumps erupted down it and she sat up wondering why there was a blue glow on the wall she was looking at.

cyber insides – arc one, chapter four.

It must have been a few hours since Yunho had left her there to think about everything with the addition of the purpling bruise on her face. There wasn't a bit of her that was necessarily mad at him because she did understand just why he decided to punch her, but she wasn't mad. No, she was livid.

If there wasn't the knowledge that they had her mech hand, or well arm, in their captivity then she would gladly tear them all apart in order to get it back. The removal had been clean in the aspect that there weren't just random torn wires hanging out of her skin, but it felt so wrong to have no added weight on her right side that she had caught herself falling towards that side on more than one occasion.

As she sat there staring off into space she thought over what she had essentially agreed to. Yunho had made it clear that she couldn't hurt any of them, wouldn't have any life to her which was unfair since she had always been an ass, unless she had his permission she couldn't leave the room she was in now, and don't talk about Mingi which she thought sucked. Hell would freeze before she ever listened to him without any complaint though, that was for certain.

She couldn't get overly frustrated as she didn't want to trigger her bots and drive them overly insane. Even with...her gaze was hollow as she gazed at her empty socket where her arm should have been. There was a buzzing in the air as she kept looking at it.

"Are you back with us, 073?" The room around her was tension filled as she raised her head to lock eyes with the Handler that she had been assigned, "We missed you, where did you go?"

Quickly she tore her sight off of it and tried to stand, her arm jerking out when her legs almost crumbled. Maybe she should have asked how long she had been asleep, that probably would have been a good idea. Already boredom was trickling into her mind and she quietly groaned as she took a weak step away from the now cot.

Her brows furrowed as she tried to remember when it changed or if this was the same room she had originally been in when she woke–she blinked. She remembered something, something a bit important by the seams of it, and it involved Mingi. The more she forced herself to recall the memory the further away it went and she hissed at herself.

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