memories & pools.

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‿෴  let us in, let us in ෴‿

The creature sunk its fangs into her leg, and the cry ripped from her lungs cleaved clean through her grit teeth. Her mouth dropped into a pained place as her jaw locked yet the demon didn't let go. It raked a claw across her upper thigh, dragging a talon through the fabric, before digging into the flesh there.

"Let me in." It hissed as it pulled away, tongue flicking across the gashing hole in her leg, and stared at her. She shook in shock, her body already trying to keep itself alive. Everything else in the city had faded away from her senses due to the metal demon in front of her.

She gasped out, "No," and it snapped its maw again at her. For a moment they stared at one another because she needed to memorize the thing that was going to be her cause of death. It snarled again when she shoved at its clawed hand then proceeded to tear open her thigh more.

It slithered out a word, "Bloodbound," and she started yelling for help.

cyber insides – arc one, chapter three.

The doctor, for whatever it mattered, seemed to be as uneasy as she was to be around her as she was him. Her breathing had been frantic, forced in and out of her, as they had realized who one another was. She shook her head and tried to sit up right yet 205's hand kept her on her back.

"You can't take him, I won't let it happen." She seethed as she let 205 fix her head to stare back at the ceiling, "He doesn't deserve to be tainted more by your work." Had she been in a better mindset, she would've been able to catch how the words seemed to dig deeper than she had intended and seen his gaze falter for a moment.

205's face was the only thing she could see though now that he had adjusted her neck, and what she saw wasn't anything comforting to look at. He seemed confused at the altercation going down between the two of them. Her brows furrowed as he opened his mouth and then shut it quickly, his head shaking a bit as he second guessed it.

"073. I'm not here to take him anywhere, San lives with me and Mingi. He found us like he found you, just with less of a dire situation and more so he thought we were going to be brought back to Arlin Tech. Neither him nor Mingi have any wish to hurt you." But you do she wanted to yell because he didn't mention himself in that statement.

205, or San she assumed, looked down at her with a hesitant smile, "Yunho's right. I live with them, but none of us here are going to take you to the Academy. You're safe here." The way his eyes caught the light showed the modification behind the pupil and she gagged, stomach trying to force up whatever she had eaten–which was nothing, she hadn't nibbled on anything more than a crumb for the past few days.

San jumped and braced a palm against her back before helping her up right, "Lean just a bit...there you go, Yunho mentioned how this might happen. Your body is fighting back against the painkillers for some reason."

Her eyes twitched as she heard his careless words, "You gave me painkillers." San's head swung back around to look at Yunho, his red hair turning into flames searing by her skin in the air, and she caught him waiting for Yunho to answer her words.

"Yes," Yunho began, "I did. Mingi needed to fix your side where you had some fucking form of bruised rib that was near fractured but that doesn't even mention the way your bones stick out, the fact that your neck chip was almost broke 073, or how you had god knows how many infected wounds on your back. Do you know how long he operated on you before he asked me if he could give you painkillers so you would just fucking sleep?" The list of injuries sent her into a near shutdown because she had known and it would have been her way to be free if she had died by them.

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