blood & ichor.

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‿෴ save us from the claws. ෴‿

Crimson wasn't always what flowed through the streets of Seoul. There used to be swarms of people with stalls set up, always a group of teens out wandering, and the occasional dark alley that nobody would have bat an eye at someone walking out of. It was routine for society to just go about their days without a curious gaze trained on another person's figure because everyone was busy with their own struggles or their own route.

It wasn't always drowning in screams of humans as their friends or family were torn apart by the failures of society; the ones that had been torn apart and rebuilt with metal. Maybe if they had cared to ask a little bit more about what the company had been doing, or why so many people were disappearing with false deaths, then none of this would have happened.

Everytime teeth sank into an arm it made sure to tear as much as possible in order to pay back all the pain it went through and what it was never going to get back. They had caused this and it wanted to let them all know how infuriated it was with their actions. There could have been hundreds or thousands of them out on the streets with some fighting, some running, and some trying to stop it.

It didn't know and it didn't care. Revenge was all it wanted and it didn't plan on stopping just because another hybrid thought this was wrong. None of them had caught onto how there was a small voice in their heads whispering to continue, and it doubted they would. How gullible for them to think they were free when it was now the one in control.

This was only the start of what it was going to do in order to ensure Arlin Tech was brought down.

cyber insides - arc one, chapter one.

There weren't a lot of people out in the rising sun that marked the upcoming dawn of day which led to it being the perfect time for her to wake up from the shadows she hid in on the outskirts of town and enter civilization. The timing had to be clean and if she messed up then there would be a chance of someone spotting her, marking her outfit, and then she'd be shipped back to who she was running from.

Already the wind was picking up the chill from the mountains, sweeping it through the houses bordering the forest she was creeping out of, and leaving her core shivering due to the thin hoodie she wore. The bag she kept all her things in was buried in the brush in order to stay as her property. Hybrids were cruel nowadays, as they were in the past too, but it only made it harder on all of them in terms of survival.

She trailed a metal finger down the side of a building before shoving the hand into her pocket and sliding into the city. Already, in the span of the ten minutes it took for her to enter, the streets were starting to fill with crowds. There would be no more chances to take in terms of showing her arm nor could she let her hood fall down. The consequences would be far more severe than death.

Her head stayed down as much as she felt necessary in order to play the role of a teen being sent to fetch something, but the more she walked the more she got jostled along by other people and the bottle of rage she had reinforced with steel was starting to boil. It could not come out, she would not allow for it to, as if it did then there would be blood staining the streets again.

A deep breath led to her being elbowed in the ribs, the spot they hit making her cough as it conveniently hit a bruise from when she had fallen on her side, and she darted away from the person who had stopped to apologize with a wave of her hand. She hoped they would pick up on how she had said it was ok while also not following after her to make sure.

She grit her teeth as she walked, her normal hand wrapped around her chest in order to clutch onto her side, and started to look to see which stalls were the most busy. The more busy they were it would be easier for her to grab something and not be noticed, lest she could try. So far the last three times she had tried they had caught on and she had been forced to fight back, it had kept thrumming through her veins to test which point was the weakest to escape until she had let it.

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