Idea #51: A Symbiotic Relationship

Start from the beginning

Luz ran upstairs with the bucket.

"Don't spill her on my floor!" Eda shouted quickly.

"I know!" Luz said, doing her best not to spill Amity on the floor.

'Please, Lilith! Know how to help!' Luz thought.

Luz rushed and kicked the bathroom door open.

"LILITH!" Luz shouted.

"AAAAH!" Lilith screamed, covering herself on the toilet. "LUZ?! WHY DID YOU JUST KICK THE DOOR IN?!?!?!"

"We have a problem!" Luz said, holding the bucket tightly. "And it involves Amity!"

"Amity?!" Lilith asked in worry, quickly fixing herself and getting up from the toilet. "What's wrong with Amity?!"

"Look at her! She tested some crazy thing from her dad and she's stuck like this!" Luz said, holding the bucket out to Lilith.

"Hello, Lilith." Amity bubbled, looking up to her.

"This is... troubling." Lilith said, taking the bucket, "Let's head to a more open room and see if we can find out what to do."

Luz nodded quickly as she and Lilith left the bathroom, heading back downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Edalyn, I'm borrowing one of your cauldrons!" Lilith quickly said.

"Fine but you better clean it!" Eda said from the den, going back to her nap.

"Okay, put Amity on the table, I need to take a small sample from her so I can study it and see if I can find a way to fix this." Lilith said to Luz, grabbing a cauldron to use.

Luz nodded as she set Amity on the table, watching as Lilith used a small turkey basted to suck up a little bit of Amity before heading back to the cauldron.

She put it in the cauldron, along with a few potions that began to fill it. She began to stir and it seemed like absolutely nothing was happening, at least to Luz, but a trained potionist like Lilith, she could see a lot of things happening.

"Oh my, this is bad." Lilith said, looking worried before turning to Luz. "It would seem that... Amity's body is very unstable. How long has she been like this?"

"About forty minutes." Luz said.

"Well, good news and bad news... good news, I found a way to fix this, at least temporarily." Lilith said, looking back at her cauldron and stirring some more.

"That's great!" Luz said.

"That leads to the bad news." Lilith said, looking back at Luz. "If Amity is unable to get a solid form within one hour of becoming this, then she will proceed to... become not living."

It took Luz all of five seconds to put the bucket in the freezer.

"That's... not what I meant." Lilith said, "Besides, it takes up to 48 hours for Abomination goo to freeze."

"Then what do we do!? I can't let Amity die!" Luz said, panicking and worrying.

"There is a way, Luz...though it might not be the best thing, it could work at least until we come up with a more permanent solution." Lilith said, stopping her stirring and turning to Luz.

"Well, tell us already!" Luz shouted, reaching back into the freeze and pulling out Amity.

Lilith sighed a bit before taking a deep breath, bracing herself for this news.

"Amity's bodily makeup is now that of a symbiotic being, a creature that needs to bond with another being in order to survive. So for Amity to live long enough until we can change her back......she needs to merge with another being." Lilith said as Luz and Amity gasped.

"WHAT?!" Luz and Amity shouted/bubbled.

"I know it's shocking but it is the only way! So we need to think." Lilith said, tapping her lip. "Who would be a suitable person for to temporarily merge with? Maybe one of her friends or a family member she trusts?"

As Lilith was listing potential friend/hosts for the slowly dying Blight, Luz and Amity looked towards each other in a silent conversation. As if they already know who the perfect house for Amity would be for the time being.

"Lilith, how exactly would the bonding work?" Luz asked her.

"Huh? Oh it would work like lotion actually. Just like Amity absorb into your skin." Lilith said, too focused on potential host. "I'm off the table since I'm cursed and that could effect Amity negatively...."

Luz nodded to this as she looked to Amity.

"Luz, are you sure?" Amity bubbled, concerned for her friend.

"Honestly?.....I'm afraid but I'm more afraid of you dying and I refuse to let that happen." Luz said, reaching her hand out to the bucket. "So, if it's to save someone precious to me, I'll become your host."

If she could cry, Amity would be crying right now as Luz stuck her hand inside of her bucket.

'Okay, I'll trust you, Luz.' Amity thought, closing her eyes as she began to flow and absorb into Luz's body.

Neither of them new what would happen next or what would become of either of them, but whatever comes they'll face it.


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