Idea #32: Abandoned by Magic, Embraced by Aliens

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After saving the Isles from Belos/Philip and the reveal that she inadvertently helped him, Luz is blamed for all that's happened and abandoned by her friends before being banished from the demon realm. This plunges her into depression, doubling even more since Vee seems to have completely stolen her life as Luz and had to get a new identity. For about two years, "Elizabeth 'Liz' Diablo" had to live as the extended cousin of the Noceda Family and had not been able to bond with ANYONE in Gravesfield. Even more than before when she was Luz. She thought her life would be miserable until she died........until something amazing crashes RIGHT into the outskirts of Gravesfield.


Transformers movies (Bayverse)

Transformers Prime

Luz's/Elizabeth's Appearance: (17 years old)

Long, dreadlock hair that reached her back and blue contact lens. Wears black hoodie vest, always puts hood up in public, long sleeve blue shirt, dark gray camouflage pants, and white and black height tops. Even wears blue contact lens to further sell her new identity.

Cybertronian partner:

Arcee (Prime)

Pairing: Luz X Arcee

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Pairing: Luz X Arcee

Oneshot for Inspiration:

Laying on top of a hill, Liz was gazing at the night sky as she had a cigarette in her mouth. After a long day in this BORING town, a nice smoke is what a girl needs to take the edge off.

'Another day, another miserable experience.' She thought, gazing up at the stars and feeling more relaxed. 'This is about the only thing that makes living her worth it.'

She had been out her for a few hours, basically ignoring the world around her and focusing on the stars. Focusing on anything OTHER than this town or her life. A life that was just a raging shit show for the past two years since........the incident.

"BZZZZZZZZ!" Her phone going off pulled her from those thought, making Liz sigh in annoyance as she pulled it out.

"What the fuck do you want mom?" Liz said out loud as she gazed at the screen, seeing it actually was a text from her "sister." "Oh, even better."

-Where are you? It's getting late.- Vee/Life Stealer

Liz rolled her eyes at this, having turned off the finding phone part of her phone, before texting back to her "sister."

-None of your fucking business, snake. I'll be back when I'm back.-

She then turned off her phone and went back to gazing at the stars, taking another inhale of smoke before blowing it out.

'This place, this life. Is this all for me? Is nothing else going to happen to make life more......exciting? More worth living?' Liz thought as she noticing a shooting star flying back, making her sit up. 'This place isn't magic but I may was well give it a shot.'

Pulling out cigarette and putting it out on the grass, Liz closed her eyes to make a wish.

"I wish something exciting would come into my life again." She said out loud, opening her eyes again.

Suddenly, the shooting star seemed to be getting bigger for some reason, making Liz confused and a little worried.

"What the?" She said as the star suddenly came right towards her! "AAAAH!"

Jumping from her spot, something crashed into the hill she was on as Liz rolled down the hill quickly!

"Mother fucker!" She cursed before reaching the bottom and sprawled on the ground.

Huffing in the ground to calm her heart, Liz slowly got up and looked at the hill or imitation volcano now since large crater was right at the top! Fire and smoke was coming from it as Liz continued to gaze at it.

'Goddamnit! That's just my luck that I'm almost killed for wishing for something exciting to-' she thought before she heard something rumble, along with the ground shaking a bit. 'Huh?'

Feeling the ground shake again, Liz looked up at the crater and saw a slightly large, slim, metallic hand reaching out. It grabbed the edge before more came out, until standing on the hill was a large, feminine looking being! The sight of it made Liz gasp, taking in its form as it looked around the area before gazing at her.

"Uh......hi." Luz said dumbly, waving at the metallic alien.

The metal being didn't reply to her as it slowly walked down the hill to Liz, who still didn't move from her spot, until it kneeled before her.

"Are you a native of this planet?" It asked, a female voice that sent a shiver up Liz's spine.

A long lost blush appeared on her face as Liz slowly nodded to her.

"Y-Y-Yeah. Welcome to Earth." Liz stuttered a bit, feeling her mouth going dry. "I-I'm Liz......what's your name?"

"My name is Arcee." Arcee said, forming what appeared to be a smile on her face. "And it's nice to meet you, Liz of Earth."

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