Idea #35: Negative Light

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Heartache, despair, loneliness; those are all that Luz felt "saving" the Boiling Isles and being "rewarded" with a one way trip back to Earth. With no magic, no friends, and no girlfriend. She was just left alone, sad, and angry! Luz wanted nothing more than to get revenge on the realm that cast her out after everything she did for it! It seemed she got her wish one day, when she was struck by lightning and heard these words as the world began to slow down around her.

"Breathe. You're reaching out and nobody's there. The loneliness is pain. Pain racing through your mind. Crushing you, wrecking you, shattering your soul into a million little pieces. And suddenly, you are no longer you. You're part of something different now. Part of a negative force."


The Flash, CW

The Reverse Flash/Eobard Thawyne

Luz's Negative Speed Lightning:

Black with purple aura

Luz's Speedster Suit:

Luz's Speedster Suit:

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Oneshot for Inspiration:

Standing in the middle of town, face to face after nearly 2 years, Luz and Hunter just stared at each other as the latter was incredibly shocked to see the former back in Bonesborough. Only she didn't have that bright and shining aura that made you want to be her friend, Luz now had a cold and haunting darkness that made Hunter want to run away as the human glared at him with such hatred.

'Is this......really Luz?' Hunter thought, feeling his heart betting incredibly fast as if in a panic.

"What? Nothing to say, Hunter?" Luz asked, mocking Hunter by sounding and looking sad. "Not gonna say "hi" to your old friend? I'm hurt, truly I am."

"H-How are you here? WHY are you here?" Hunter asked, finding his voice.

Luz dropped the sad expression and gave a smug chuckle, beginning to pace around him.

"Why am I here? Do I really need to spell it out for you, Hunter?" Luz asked before glaring at Hunter. "I am here because of you. Gus, Willow, Eda, Lilith, King, all turned your backs on me and banished me from my home. My TRUE home. After EVERYTHING I did for all of you, you threw me out like trash!"

"That's now what happened!" Hunter quickly denied!

"It's not? What do you call forcing someone through a portal, someone crying and begging you not to, back to a world where she is an outcast!?" Luz shouted at Hunter as her negative lightning sparked around her while her eyes turned glowing white, his voice becoming distorted. "You even stole my palisman from me before putting me where I had no one to call a friend and no true place to call a home?!"

"That's not true! Your mom-" Hunter was cut off.

"Went back to her old ways on day 3 we returned home! She still tried to confirm me to a normal kid until I had enough and left!" Luz shouted before calming down, her distorted voice returning to normal. "That day, in my hatred and despair, something marvelous happened to me and I was reborn a new. Reborn into what you see before you, reborn as the fastest woman alive."

"That still doesn't explain how you got back to the demon realm without Titan's Blood." Hunter said, trying not to show any pity or sadness for his "friend."

Luz simply chuckled a bit as she held up her hand, showing more of her lightning as her hand vibrated at high speed to look like a blur.

"This power. Pure and unfiltered speed. Speed unlike anything magic could every duplicate. It chose me and gave me a new purpose in life." Luz said, returning her hand to normal and glaring at Hunter. "To show all that rejected me suffering like never before and show what a real god looks like. Not like the dead Titans, pathetic Collectors, or your previous Emperor Belos."

Suddenly, Luz began chuckling a bit, shaking her head as Hunter looked confused and offended.

"Why are you laughing?" Hunter asked her.

"Because, as much as I HATE to say this, Belos was absolutely right about this realm." Luz said as she slowly put on her suit cowl and glared at Hunter as her eyes glowed bright white. "This realm deserves to be destroyed."

Hearing Luz say this, Hunter let out a small gasp as he looked at her in horror. His friend, his first real friend, was truly gone. And what stood before him was a monster, a monster that needed to be stopped before she could hurt anyone.

"I'm sorry, Luz......but I can't let you do this." Hunter said, clenching his fists at Luz. "I WON'T let you do this."

"Hehehehe, you won't let me? Well then, how about you try and stop me, Golden Guard?" Luz asked with mocking smirk, charging up with her negative lightning. "Let's see if you can move faster than I can."

"Gladly." Hunter said, glowing with his golden teleportation magic.

Both of them moved into track running positions, before dashing towards each other! Ready to clash and see who is the fastest in two realms!

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