49.- Suffering and confusion

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Vol woke up from what seemed like a slumber. Little by little he opened his eyes, having his vision blurred at first, but recovering it in a matter of seconds... only to realize something horrible: He was wearing a metal muzzle and felt like he couldn't move, he had been held in a straitjacket, but he was standing. He looked around him, but couldn't identify what kind of place it was, although he did identify Judy, Nick, Ryan and Lone in front of him.

"We trusted you, and you betrayed us." He recognized that voice, it was Judy who said it. "We thought you'd be someone better and we gave it our all... and you went savage..." Vol heard immense disappointment, something that saddened him.

"Wait, Judy! Did I go savage? It wasn't my will. I swear!" He was trying to move to be noticed and heard. His words didn't make Judy turn, who had her back turned to him.

"We foxes had a bad reputation as it was... You had to screw it up. I thought you were different. Maybe a muzzle on you would do the job." That, surprisingly, was Nick. Vol didn't understand why he said something so hurtful to him when he suffered it.

"Nick, please, we're partners!" His counterpart also turned around and turned her back on him. The blue vulpine couldn't contain himself any longer and his eyes began to flood with tears felt by irreparable pain.

"I thought I knew you, I thought you'd be someone better for me... but you've already shown me that you're no better than Gloria Clinton..." Ryan lowered his head, disappointed, as was the tone of his voice. "This lie hurts me..."

Vol moved more within his limits because he was imprisoned. "Ryan, I do want the best for you! I'm sorry! I didn't want to... go savage..." He became crestfallen and started crying about the situation.

Lone looked straight at the fox, with a face of absolute disappointment, feeling betrayed. "I brought you... because I thought you'd do better, that you were a good mammal, but..." He turned around. "I was wrong..." Along with the rest, he began to walk and Vol was beginning to lose sight of them. "From today on... I don't know you..."

"Wait, Lone, don't go! I'm going to be better! Don't leave me alone..." He closed his tear-filled eyes.

After moving around in the bed quite a bit, Vol woke up with a weak scream, gasping and looking around. He was in Zootopia's general hospital after having the dose of Midnicampum Holicithias removed from his system. He had a small tube injected into his right arm so he could recover. In his room, he noticed that there was no one and lowered his head.

"Was it a dream? Has it really happened?" He wondered as he thought about the situation. "A-Are they... gone? Did they abandon me? I don't know if I hallucinated it or if it was real... I don't know... What if it happened and I was left alone?"

He couldn't help it and he started to shed some tears, looking at the sheets. He couldn't hide it anymore, his catastrophic mind made him feel intense pain, he felt that he let everyone down, that they just left him there in the hospital and left. It wasn't his fault, but he felt that it was, that he could have done something to prevent it and he didn't. He covered his face while he groaned, thinking that everything he had gotten he had lost...

There was a click on the doorknob of his room. Nick walked in with his back turned while he was talking to Judy, but Vol didn't notice yet, he was absorbed in the negative thoughts. "Well yes, that's how it was, Carrots, I was able to beat him without any problems."

"You tend to exaggerate your stories a lot, sly fox, I barely believe them anymore." Judy couldn't contain her laughter.

"Hey! My stories are true. It's up to you if you don't believe me." Still smiling, Nick responded, turning around to greet his partner. "Hello, Vol, how are yo-?" He stopped the question as soon as he saw that the blue vulpine had his eyes covered, buried in his own claws, hearing his whimpes. Nick's smile turned around knowing something was wrong. "What's wrong, buddy?"

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