Part 6 <3

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After ripping out some of March's hair and getting scratched by her, you all went to the parlor car. Pom pom had announced that the train was about to make the jump in 2 hours. So you decided to make Caelus take a test. A strange test indeed.

"Caelus, do you know why I called you here?" (Name) asked.

"No?" Caelus said, confused.

"I am see if you pass the vibe check or not. You can't skip this test. It is for research purposes." You declared.

"Ok. Let's go then." Caelus said.

You cleared your throat.
"First question, do you or do you not feel bonita?"

".... I feel very bonita :D"

"Great! Because you look bonita!Now second question,
Do you like lollipops?"

"I guess....?"

"Wrong. The answer is only 'yes'. You can never hate lollipops. Third and last question, this is worth 75 percent of your vibe check test. Was ist dein lieblingsfach?"

"English is my lieblingsfach."


Caelus just grinned proudly. You both fist bumped while March was watching the scene staring at both of you in disbelief. Even though March acted immature, you were definitely acted like 13 year old teenager. Dan heng always had to take care of you as you always landed your team in trouble whenever you went to different expeditions.

"Hey you two! Stop creating a ruckus. The train is about to make the jump." March said interrupting you and Caelus.

You just scoffed at her.
"Caelus has proven to be way cooler than you and Dan heng. He is my new homie now. I'm disowning you as my friend."

"Hey! You can't get rid of me. Never ever! I always took care of you and this is how you treat me?" March said furiously shaking you back and forth violently. You were getting dizzy while Caelus just stood there like a bitch. Eventually, Dan heng had to interfere to stop the duo from from fighting.

You were playing on your PSP, sitting comfortably on the couch waiting for the train to make the jump when you noticed Caelus felt uneasy.

"My dude, I know it's your first jump but I promise it ain't that bad. You might feel a little bit dizzy but it will eventually go away."

"I know that. I'm just nervous about my first expedition. What if I get stabbed to death? What if I were to get eaten by dogs?"

"Oh. Surely it won't go that bad, right?"

"I hope so-

"Hey guys~" March interrupted.

"Oh for fuck's sake what now?"

"I'm gonna try for the 56th time to stay upright while the train makes the jump."

"You're gonna fail." Both you and Caelus said in a monotone voice.

"Hey! I can atleast give it a try!"

Dan heng eventually joined the group and sat next to you. While March and Caelus were talking, you just played on your PSP with Dan heng. You rested your head on his shoulder while you showed him your new combo attack in your game. There was still 30 minutes left for the train to make the jump, so you just decided to take a nap for 15 minutes while your head was still resting on Dan heng's shoulder. Dan heng just sighed and tried his best not to move.

"(Name) wake up."


"We already made the jump (Name), wake up."

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