Bonus chapter 2

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At Jennie's atelier

"Good morning. May I speak to Mrs Kim please? I'm Kim Jisoo, Lisa Manoban's lawyer." Jisso requested politely at Jennie's PA.

"Li-Lisa's layer? Give me a second please."

"For a beautiful girl like you, I'd give all my seconds." Jisoo winked at her before she disappeared inside Jennie's office.

Seconds later she opened the door again and gestured Jisoo to walk in.

"This way miss Kim."

"Thank you?"


Jisoo smiled playfully at her and entered the office to find a worried looking Jennie. She formally introduced herself and continued by explaining the situation.

"Is Lisa going back to p-prizon?"

"I can't answer that as of now Jennie. But I promise I'll try my best." She ensured but Jennie looked alarmingly pale white. "Jennie?"

"I don't feel so well..." before Jisoo could reach her spot Jennie fainted.

The following week didn't look very promising. Lisa was still in custody as police continued their investigation and she hadn't seen Jennie at all. According to Jisoo they had a few links to her case but not enough to take her to court. Somebody was on the loose feeding information to the cops in return for protection and cover.

In the meantime Jennie had to somehow manage through the situation and pull through her fashion show. It was a huge success but her eyes wonder,  through the chaos, at the empty seat Lisa was supposed to be sitting. Ever since they decided to make a new beginning together Lisa has been her rock in every way possible. She was an incredibly hard working person. The first few months while she was building the gym she also took a shift at the local gas station to pay the bills. When her applications and designs were being rejected left and right Lisa was always there to lift her spirits and make sure she didn't give up on her dreams. Jennie's life would have taken a very different turn if she hadn't meet Lisa.

"Lisa have you met with anyone you shouldn't have the past year?" Jisoo asked with a serious tone. Late last night she was informed the police got a hold of some pictures of her meeting with associates of the Mafia.


"I'll take that as a yes. You said you cut all ties after the prison incident what the fuck?"

"Look it's not what you think. I found out the head of designers Jennie was applying for, was under He who shall not be named and I wanted to help out."

"Dammit Lis! Now they will for sure be all over your ass."

"Is there a way to retrieve my files?" Lisa whispered.

"Who took care of it?"

Lisa just signaled for Jisoo to understand who she was referring to without giving away his name.

"Then no. The photos are not solid evidence for the time being. Is there anything else I should know Lisa?"

"No. Even the money for the gym and everything were all clean."

"You sure?"

"Two parking tickets."

"Oh fuck off asshole."

"When can I see Jennie?"

"I'd advise you not to see her at all till this is over. Just let me handle things ok?"

"Ok" Lisa looked defeated.

"Stay strong Lisa."

In reality Lisa was loosing her mind being away from Jennie. Jisoo informed her about Jennie fainting the other day but she assured her that Jennie went to the doctor and was ok. Apparently she was overworked and her blood pressure dropped causing her to loose consciousness. Still Lisa was worried and not being able to contact Jennie in any way was pure torture.

After a couple of days police agents still couldn't get a hold of more information about Lisa other than a few statements from other suspects. Unfortunately she could still get in big trouble and get charged.

"Ok I've good news and bad news." Jisoo said handing Lisa a cup of coffee.  The tall blonde had spent almost a month in custody and it was definitely taking a toll on her.

"I just want this whole shitshow to end."

"Listen the bad news is they can take you to court and you're looking at two or three years without the possibility of a parole. Good news is they are willing to negotiate the sentence if you cooperate with them."

"I'm not a fucking snitch!"

"Lisa it's the best option-"

"I SAID I'M NOT A SNITCH! I won't last a minute once I'm out if I do something like this Jisoo."

"And you prefer to go to prison? What about Jennie?"

"I can't go out as a snitch Jisoo they'll get her too. At least if I'm in prison she'll be safe."

"They won't because there won't be anyone left Lisa. Please, think about it."

Lisa only nodded before the guards handcuffed her again and took her back to the cell.

Delivering the news to Jennie wasn't an easy task for Jisoo either. The only thing she looked forward to was seeing Rosie again at the atelier.

"I meet with criminals all time and you my dear Rosie are the most cruel one."

"And why is that miss Kim?" Rosie responded confused.

"Because you stole my heart and invade my thoughts day and night." Jisoo said not breaking eye contact with Rosé.

"Dear God if your prosecution in court is the same as your flirting game Lisa is doomed."

"Can I take you on a date Rosie?" The question caught Rosé off guard. Jisoo walked around her desk and sat at the edge of it right next to Rosé's chair. "Forgive me if I'm being too forward, but my earlier comment doesn't fall far off the truth." She explained gently pushing a strand of silky blonde hair away from Rosé's face. Her fingertips also brushed against her smooth skin.

"I'd love to, but it'll have to wait a bit. This situation is very difficult for Jennie and I need to be there for her."

"Of course." Jisoo smiled at her. "Speaking of is she here?"

"Yes. She's here most of the day now. She hates being home alone so we end up crushing over at my place."

"You're a good friend Rosie." Jisoo pecked Rosé's cheek and walked into Jennie's office.

"So you're telling me she'd rather protect them, than be with me?" Jennie was fuming.

"Jennie it's not like that. The people she used to associate with won't allow for a snitch to just go on with their life as if nothing happened. She's afraid they'll come after you."

"I don't care she promised she'd change. She promised she'll protect me Jisoo." Jennie said banging her fist on the office table.

"Calm down please. You mustn't stress."

"Tell her we're over."

"Jennie please listen-"


It was clear to Jisoo that there was no reason to push things. Wordlessly she walked back to Rosé's office.

"I'll call you when the court date is set."

"What the fuck is Lisa doing Jisoo?"

"She's just trying to protect her Rosie trust me. I need to go but I'll text you. Make sure you both rest things will get rough." Jisoo pecked Rosé's cheek.

Stay tuned for the finale 😉

Locked behind bed bars (Jenlisa)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora