Chapter 1

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It was late at night and Jennie was mopping the floor before closing the small grocery store. She graduated from art school a year ago, but finding a job as a new fashion designer artist proved to be very difficult. In order to pay the bills she had to take up any job available to pay rent and pay off her student's loan. The late night shifts gave a few extra much needed bucks in her pocket so she it was usually around midnight when she would get back home. While cleaning, she also watched the News on the TV that mister Sowh the store owner left on.

Breaking news earlier this morning the security system in Seoul Detention Center malfunctioned leaving all prison cell doors and gates unlocked. Guards were unable to detain all inmates as chaos broke through the facilities. Authorities are yet to determine the severity of the situation as well as which and how many inmates have managed to escape the premises. Chief of the Police Department advised all citizens to avoid transportations late at night and keep their door and windows locked at all times.

"Great..." Jennie whispered to herself. It was almost eleven at night and unfortunately it was her turn to close down the shop because she had the following two days off. Her apartment was not that far away and she always walked back home. Tonight it would be best if she took the local bus, but unlucky her it left the bus stop as she was locking the front doors. With her short legs sprinted behind it but the driver never stopped. She thought about getting a taxi to make sure she got home safe but paying five bucks or more for an eight blocks waking distance just didn't fit in her monthly budget. She started walking as fast as her short legs allowed one hand holding her phone ready to dial 112 and the other held her apartment keys in between her small fingers like Wolverine claws. She was a block away when somebody grabbed her from behind and a large hand covered her mouth.

"Do anything stupid and your night will take a nasty turn." A deep husky voice spoke right next to her ear sending shivers through her body. Her phone and keys were snatched out of her hands. "Do you live close here? Lie and I'll break this pretty neck." Jennie only nodding as tears escaped her eyes. "Guide me there. I can hurt you but i don't want so play along and I'll let you out of this without a scratch. Understood?" Jennie nodded again.

The tall figure from behind her released her mouth but held a tight grasp around her waist and moved next to her. When they came face to face Jennie didn't expect what her eyes saw. Not only it was a young female but her face looked like Barbie and Ken fused into the same person. Her eyes though screamed fire almost hiding underneath her bangs and half of her shoulder length black hair was tied in a samurai bun.

"Stop ogling Mrs. Cat-eyes and start walking!" said the stranger with a smirk. A minute later they reached the front door and Jennie with trembling hands showed the stranger the right key out of the bundle to unlock it. Two flats of stairs later they were walking down the hallway when two girls came out from one apartment.

"JENNIE! Who's this hottie with you?" said one of them in an annoying high pinched voice.

The tall girl grabbed Jennie's waist tighter and pretending to kiss her ear whispered.

"Play along."

"Yeah we never see you bring me home." The other girl said with an equally high voice.

"Why bring others when I'm the best. Is that right baby?" the convict said with a cheeky smile and without a warning kissed Jennie's lips. Jennie gasped in the kiss but for some reason that soft plum lips against hers felt and tasted delicious.

"What's you name hottie tottie?"

"Lali" Lisa who had just escaped from prison only a few hours ago lied pulling Jennie closer.

"Well Lali take care of my girl here and if you get bored we're right down the hall."

"Yeah both of us!" The girl winked at Lisa as they walked away.

"Whores..." Jennie whispered in disgust earning a small laugh escaped from Lisa who grabbed the keys and pushed both of them inside the apartment. She locked the door putting the keys back in her jeans pocket. She had already come up with a plan to secure her freedom.

Locked behind bed bars (Jenlisa)Where stories live. Discover now