【The truth】

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While I was cleaning Scara took a shower and once he got out his apartment was almost spotless. Scaramouche had a surprised look on his face because of how his messy home turned clean in just the few minutes it took to take a shower. It still reeked of weed and alcohol, but at least it looked nice.

Now he didn't seem like some depressed teenager in the middle of going through his emo phase. (Even Though he was a depressed teenager who was stuck in his emo phase.)

He reaches for a box of cigarettes sitting nice and pretty on his shiny countertop. I reach for his hand and look him in the eyes.

"Are you serious? Save them for later, you just got out of the shower dude." I sternly speak to him. He gives me a mischievous smirk and quick kiss on the cheek while walking over to sit on the couch with Heizou.

Kazuha is sitting on a chair next to the exit door, still concerned about how he thinks Scara could "lash out at any moment." He obviously still had to regain that small bit of trust to let Scara anywhere near me without him by my side as well.

Other than the day of that fight, Kazuha has been Extremely protective. It's obvious that Scara was regretting his decisions and wouldn't do it again, but the white haired boy still wanted me to have absolutely nothing to do with Scaramouche. Kazuha glared into the purple haired boy as I sat down between him and Heizou. Now it was only Kazuha sitting away from the three of us.

I suddenly remember Aether. "I wonder how Aether is doing? He went with Xiao right?"

Kazuha nods in response to my question. "Do you know Xiao? Before they drove off they were acting weird so I don't know what to think." The white haired boy asks curiously from across the room.

"More or less." I scowl, Xiao is the guy who broke my brother's heart, and I know it's been a while, but I still can't stand what he did. Xiao is the one that ended up risking Aether's life, from Xiao and himself.

Kazuha puts on a curious face. He won't ask, but I can tell he wants me to tell all three of them.

I sigh. I might as well tell them all. Kazuha and Xiao are buddies, and knowing that everyone is even with each other, I feel like it's necessary to tell them all.

I clear my throat. "Well... I guess I can tell you. You probably know about some of the drama around that time. Well, there was a party after homecoming. An after party. And that night, Aether was getting harassed by a few seniors, just because he was gay. And Xiao was hanging around some of his other friends. By the time Xiao went to look for Aether, he couldn't find him. Turns out those seniors that were bullying him also r- they uhm-" My voice cracks. This is really hard to think about. They hurt my brother and I wasn't there to stop it...

I keep talking as Heizou rubs my back to encourage me to keep talking. "They raped him."

All the boys' eyes widened. Of course they didn't know that. Kazuha doesn't go to parties, and Heizou and Scara just get black out drunk. They probably don't even remember anything from that party.

Kazuha comes to sit in between me and Scaramouche. He gives me a comforting hug.

"Well, after they did that, they came out and told Xiao that Aether cheated on him. Xiao was REALLY pissed and he came up to Aether, who was basically unresponsive from shock and tears, and started screaming at him. But Xiao didn't know why Aether wasn't doing anything about it, so he stood him up and slapped him across the face. Aether started sobbing, and still couldn't speak, so Xiao screamed some more and ended up breaking up with him. But since Xiao is really popular, his friends who were actually the seniors he didn't know about, started beating up Aether just for fun. Xiao left the party and did whatever, and someone else from school found Aether and called me."

"Aether didn't come back to school until the second semester of that school year. (so the second semester of his Junior year.) But when I got to the party... He looked-" I start to cry. "He looked terrible. He had bruises and scratches all over him. I don't understand why nobody stopped those boys from beating him up. He was barely alive. He stayed in the hospital for about a week after that. But he still couldn't talk about it."

"The same week I brought him back from the hospital, He tried to uhm... He attempted suicide. He obviously survived, but this time it was a lot worse than it was a few days ago. He had to stay in the hospital for another month and for the next few weeks after that he kept transferring to different mental institutes. By the time he came back home in December he finally told me what happened. That was honestly the worst time in my entire life. Both of our lives probably." I finally stop talking and look at the other boys.

"You can't tell him I told you this, because I don't want anything to happen to him." They all nod.

Kazuha speaks. "He never told me why he was hooking up with so many other people, but now that I think of it, maybe he was just doing it as a comeback? Like you cheat on me and I cheat on you? Does Xiao know what happened?"

I shake my head. "Now that he and Aether are probably good, I'll tell him and they can talk it over together. They need to work it over. I don't want anything else to come between them."

【Heart Me】(Kazuha+Heizou+Scara+Reader // Xiao+Aether)Where stories live. Discover now