Start from the beginning

As the crashing of waves began to break through the gusts of wind, the blonde felt a tug around her middle and suddenly she was jerked up, out of her freefall. Drogon's claws secured gently but firmly around her waist and she heard the powerful flaps of his wings as he brought them up to a normal flying elevation. Once his flight had levelled out, he loosened his grip on her, enough so she could wriggle free. Grasping his scales firmly, she navigated her way back up to her regular seat. Her face was flushed from the wind and her violet eyes were bright with happiness as she began to guide Drogon towards Berk.

"Great job today, buddy," she told him, giving her customary pat. "Let's go hang out with Toothless and Hiccup, huh?"

He gave an answering, proud rumble of agreement. 


They were still some ways from shore when Dany noticed a ship on the horizon. It was a dark splotch against an otherwise perfectly blue background and she shielded her eyes to get a better look at it. It was a Viking ship, though not like any Berk had. Its plain sail denoted no tribe and its deck was crowded with goods. She thought that it might belong to Trader Johann, a man she'd never met but had heard stories of from her father. According to Randolf, Johann was a bit slimy but being forced to listen to his most likely made up stories was worth it for the goods he brought.

Curious about the trader, she directed her dragon towards the docks to meet him when he landed on shore. Drogon had noticed the ship as well, but he wasn't interested in the approaching vessel like his rider. Instead, his orange eyes narrowed as his nostrils flared, his good sense of smell picking up the scents that came from the boat. With a roar, he wheeled around in a sharp about-face that sent Dany scrambling to hold onto one of his spikes.

"Drogon!" she chided him reproachfully, her heart pounding in her chest from the sudden change. He paid her no mind as he began to go back the way they came. "No, Drogon. We have to go to Berk—"

She tried to turn him around, but to no avail; he ignored her instructions and continued towards their home. No matter how she pleaded or scolded him, he pretended not to hear her words as they flew further away from the village. The Targaryen was left grumbling (and yes, maybe a little pouty) over her dragon's stubbornness. 

When they landed in the clearing in front of the cottage, Dany didn't slide off her dragon's back like she usually would have. Instead, she crossed her arms and scowled at the top of his head. "Come on, Drogon. The last time you were this obstinate, I brought Ignis home with us. Surely nothing could be worse than that?"

Drogon let out an irritated growl, shifting his weight slightly underneath her. She was hardly given any warning when his back sloped just as it had in the Academy when she'd tried to bring Ignis back to her parents. The blonde fell forward, painfully bumping her head on his rough scales. She let out a grunt of her own annoyance as she pushed herself up.

"Drogon, you're being a jerk. I thought you wanted to see Toothless—?" she began, but was cut off when he shook his neck, causing his scales to move underneath her. Her legs lost their grip on his sides and she would have slid off completely, but she grasped one of his spikes just in time so that her feet dangled above the ground. "Seriously," she complained. "I know you're a teenager but I thought you were above the rebellious stereotype. You're acting almost worse than Hookfang!"

He was certainly not pleased by this comparison. Drogon let his back cave again and this time, the jolt was enough for Dany's hands to slip off his spike. But, even if he was peeved at his mother, Drogon still cared about her, so he extended his wing enough for her to tumble safely to the ground. She landed on her butt with her arms behind her for support and stared up at him with frustration for a moment.

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