Dying Inside

38 5 37

Longg chapter! Also, how's everyone feeling today?


Itachi's eyes fell to the body. It looked awful. He scanned their surroundings, watching as people began to look into the alley. They finished the job, so they could leave now. Deidara sighed before smirking. Okay, so this girl wasn't nearly as weak as he originally thought. This would be interesting. Kisame looked at the body then at her, a grin appearing on his face. Now that seemed like the kind of person Pain would recruit into the Akatsuki. A power that sucked out everything, it would be very useful for a group like theirs.

"We should go now," Itachi stated before jumping atop the building. The rest of them followed, watching as the moment they left, people swarmed around the body. Harumi sighed, what a mess. She preferred to be much cleaner with her kills than this, but he gave her no choice. Not only did he run, but he attacked the poor people who got in his way. Though, she couldn't help but feel guilt.

She knew she didn't have to, the man had it coming with the amount of innocent people he killed, but she still did. Her hands fisted, her actions dawning upon her. She killed somebody. She killed a man, though she told herself she would never do it again unless necessary. Everything is necessary if it's to keep Hido safe.

She loudly puffed out air, turning around and looking at Itachi.

"I killed him. Does that mean my test is over?" Harumi asked, doing her best to keep her voice steady and unrecognizable of her wave of guilt.

"Yes, welcome to the Akatsuki," said Itachi.

She didn't say anything, she didn't have to. Her actions said everything, her lack of emotion and hesitation said everything to them. Despite her rather soft look, she had the same potential as the rest of them to be a cold blooded killer. They had no idea how much killing him was affecting her at this moment. Sure, when she first ended his life, it didn't really bother her because his actions triggered her so much. But, when that hate faded away, it was replaced with the reality of what she had just done. They didn't need to know that though, she was fine hiding it.

They informed her that Pain had sent a package with her cloak and ring. Harumi nodded, moving to grab the package. She threw the cloak on, as well as the purple ring. She was officially part of a terrorist group. Her hands turned to fists. Why? Why was it always her? She shook her head, knowing there was no point in thinking about things like that. It was too late anyways, she'd already killed for them.

"Let's get a move on, Pain already assigned us our next mission. Deidara, Sasori, Pain informed me to let you know we will be going our separate ways soon. You will travel with us until the Akatsuki meet, and then we will part ways," Itachi stated, the both of them nodding. He then turned to her.

"As for you, you will also go separately after the meeting," he said. "Pain said you are to do your future missions alone until further notice of a partner for you. Is that understood?" Harumi once again only nodded, not up for or in the mood to talk. He seemed to understand though, nodding as well and jumping from building to building, the others following beside him.

Harumi looked at the sky, wondering how her dear friend was doing. He was probably still with that girl he found interest in, Akito. She hoped that girl would make him happy, he deserved that and the world. It wasn't that surprising that the two of them found each other, they were both attractive people. Hido was often asked out, and Akito also seemed like the kind of girl who would be asked out often with her beautiful, shiny, blue chocolate hair. Harumi was slightly jealous of Akito's hair, her own was simply black. Though, Hido always said he loved her hair. He said the texture was what he imagined that of a bed made of silk would feel like. One thing that always did capture people's attention about her was her eyes.

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