Belial lay still, not wanting to wake up his angel. Aleks had changed in recent weeks, not just physically. He was now at the beginning of the sixth month and the portions he was eating had doubled. His smell had also changed. It had a sweeter note that gave him a deep protective instinct. In addition, he slept more than before and had an even harder time getting out of bed in the morning. From time to time he also nodded off at noon, but all this was completely normal, as the baby demanded a lot of energy from him. Since he was half human, it was more exhausting for him than for others.

With a loving touch, he ran his hand over his belly and placed his flat hand on it.

"Well, Tsuki, are you giving your mother a hard time?" he asked, amused. Suddenly, he felt a brief counter-pressure and flinched. Was that what he was thinking?

Aleks growled sullenly.

"You woke it up," he grumbled.

"Tsuka, was that just... a kick?" he asked his lover.

"What else? Because of you, I got a kick."

Belial fell silent. He had just felt his child's first kick. Although Aleks had already reported that he had felt movements and also shocks, this was the first time Belial had felt it. There was a feeling in his chest that he hadn't felt before—it was the close connection to his child and the love he felt for him.

His angel seemed to have answered, half asleep, for he had already fallen asleep again. Again he put his hand on his stomach and talked to his little one. After a while, he felt it again and his heart contracted with joy. Suddenly, the stomach began to twitch rhythmically.

Belial woke up his mate because he was worried. "Tsuka, everything is fine. Your stomach twitches."

Aleks laughed softly. "Don't worry, Bel, it's just hiccups. That's quite normal." And again he fell asleep.

Belial exhaled calmly. Hiccup. I think I'm aging by centuries until the little one is born. And yet this time was so precious to him and he would enjoy every second of it.

The next day, they drove to the adoption office in Los Angeles to see Aleks' files. They got through the registration quite quickly and were met by a member of staff – a man in his early fifties with short gray hair and a gray shirt and pants.

"So, Mr. Esai, how can I help you?" he asked in a monotone voice.

Enjoyment of the job looks different...

"I would like to have access to my documents," Aleks said kindly and handed him the completed form about himself.

The employee just nodded and typed busily on his keyboard, then paused.

"Hmm. They have here that you were deposited as a newborn on the threshold of St. Mary's Church here in Los Angeles and placed in the care of the associated orphanage. There was no adoption until you left the orphanage when you came of age."

Then he looked up. That's it? Nothing more was there about him?

"Is there any information about potential relatives?" Aleks asked, somewhat shocked. He looked at him briefly.


Belial narrowed his eyes.

"What about my half-brother Zackory Bishop?" Aleks asked hopefully.

The man sat up straight and looked at him. "Mr. Esai, there is nothing about a half-brother here. I can't give you any more information," he said impatiently.

Aleks grabbed Belial's hand to calm him down. "Good, thank you." Then he stood up and politely said goodbye.

On the way home, Aleks was silent. Three lines, that's all there is about me. Disappointment and grief fight for supremacy in him.

How can he behave like this? his demon, trembling with rage, asked him.

He's just doing his job. For him, I'm just a number. He has his own problems, Aleks replied.

With every foot they traveled, Aleks got worse. When they arrived at the apartment, Aleks suddenly stopped. He was pale and panting. Belial looked at him, frightened.

"Tsuka, is everything all-," but before he had even reached the end of the sentence, Aleks ran out of the room into the bathroom in panic. He fell to his knees and poured out all the contents of his stomach. Trembling, he sat in front of the toilet bowl while his stomach cramped and drove everything out of his body.

Belial knelt behind him and stroked his back reassuringly. It had been a long time since he had thrown up. When Aleks finished, he rinsed his mouth and looked at his demon.

"Bel, I don't feel good at all. Please take me home," he said softly.

He really didn't look good. So Belial lifted him up and immediately returned to hell through a portal. He carefully placed Aleks on their bed and called for Richelle.

She examined him and sighed. "This is probably the critical phase in which the child is going through a big magic surge. Normally, this does not occur until the seventh month, but in Aleksander it seems to start earlier. The reason could be the event in Zack's rescue," she said.

"What does this mean for me?" Aleks asked with a pale face.

"Aleksander, you need more energy. For the next month and a half, I will prescribe you strict bed rest and a special diet. You're only allowed to get out of bed for two hours a day," she said with a worried face.

"B-But I can't, I have to-"

"You don't have to do anything except rest, otherwise you could endanger your child," said Richelle, who did not allow any contradictions.

Bel, we must continue our search.

But Belial shook his head. Aleks' health came first and so they had to interrupt the search again.

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now