Chapter three : finally awake

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The next day I go through my duties as the leader of the first order once again.
Even though I'm still living without my angel by my side it is a bit easier knowing that there is a chance for me to get her back.
I saw her yesterday.
I touched her.
No matter how much I wish that she could be in my arms right now and I could talk to her about everything that happens, seeing her yesterday will have to be enough for now.
I have a training session with the Knights of Ren today and I'm determined to not let it show that my thoughts have been distracting me.
When I walk in they all stop and look in my direction.
The knights have respected me even more since I killed Vicrul.
It was a shame, Vicrul was the strongest one of the knights, but he was unreliable.
He showed who he really was by attacking Mirta and I couldn't let him live after that.
I walk up to the men and greet them with a simple nod.
"Divide into pairs and practice." I say simply.
Kuruk stays alone since now there are only five knights left.
I walk up to him and take my beginning position.
I ignite my lightsaber and wait for him to attack me.
He seems hesitant, everyone knows about my temper and he fears it.
I reach into his mind with the force and sift through his emotions without him noticing.
He's nervous. Scared that whatever he will do will end him up like Vicrul.
He's scared that if he attacks and lets me win, I will think he is worthless but if he wins I will take that personally and end him.
"Kuruk. Attack." I say simply, knowing that whatever happens I won't kill him.
I can't be left with only four knights but on top of that I have been less vengeful since I found out that Mirta is still alive.

"Mirta is still alive?" Kuruk says with a surprised voice.
Every single knight stops what they're doing and looks at me.
Their faces are hidden behind their helmets just like mine but I can perfectly imagine their shocked expressions.
"What?" Ap'lek adds.
I push Kuruk back with the force but he merely stumbles a few feet backwards.
I'm trying to control my anger, like my angel would want from me.
"Do not look through my thoughts!" I scream out angrily at Kuruk.
"I'm sorry Sir. I-" He mutters but I interrupt him by putting my hand up in the air dismissively.
"Is she really alive?" Ap'lek asks carefully.
I now look in his direction, taking my eyes off Kuruk.
I nod slowly.
"Yes." I say but it comes out in a hushed tone.
I'm grateful for my mask because I would never want the knights to see the way I'm smiling just at the thought of her.
"Where is she?" Ushar asks.
"She's in a coma, I'm hoping she will wake up soon." I say but try to deprive my voice of all emotion.
"Will she be joining us then?" Ap'lek speaks up.
"No." I say sternly.
I take a deep breath and regain my composure before answering.
"She will have to be kept safe. Especially after she got hurt." I say truthfully.
"So what are you going to do with her?" Trudgen joins in.
"I have been building a room for her where she can stay. She will be safe in there. No one can enter without permission and she can't leave." I say, feeling a hint of proudness in my chest.
"So she'll be a prisoner?" Ap'lek asks.
"No!" I yell but again I try to stay calm.
"She is no prisoner. I just need to keep her safe." I defend.
The knights look around at each other but then all decide it is for the best to end this conversation.

A few days have passed now, it has almost been a week since I found out about Mirta.
Every night I fall asleep by her side and it's taking a toll on my neck and back who are starting to feel sore.
It reminds me of when I first brought her here and slept on the foldable bed.
When she noticed it was hurting my back she let me sleep in the bed with her.
I take a deep breath and feel warmth radiate in my chest as those thoughts rise up.
But then the happiness gets drowned by darkness.
Mirta is still unconscious and no one is sure she will ever even wake up.
Just when I feel myself get engulfed by darkness I feel a presence.
It almost feels the same as when Mirta and I were in the void but... closer.
"Ben?" I hear her voice like a whisper in my ear.
I look around me but find myself alone in the hallway.
I was just on the way to see her in the medical bay so I quickly resume my journey.
When I open the door my eyes fall on the empty bed.
My eyes widen when I find the messy sheets to be the only thing still there and Mirta is gone.
My heart feels like it is getting ripped out of my chest but when I look to the side and see Mirta standing there, looking straight at me I feel my whole body start to vibrate.
I turn my body towards her but can't bring myself to say anything.
I stand there dumbfounded for a moment, unsure wether I'm dreaming or this is real.
I see tears well up in her eyes and feel myself do the same while our gazes stay locked on each other.
"Angel..." I breathe out and she lets out a sob.
Hearing her make that sound snaps me out of my trance and I take a few fast steps towards her before wrapping her in my arms.
The second I touch her I feel her knees buckle as she lets out another sob.
She wraps her arms around my neck and I pull her even closer to my body, if that's even physically possible.
"My angel." I whisper into her ear as I take in all of my senses.
Her touch, her body against mine, her smell, her sound.
I stroke her hair softly while my other hand rests on her lower back, helping her to stay upright.
I can feel her tangle her hands into my hair and it gives me goosebumps.
I pull back and look at her face.
I see a few tears rolling down her cheek but there is also a big smile plastered on her face as she looks at me.
I reach my hand that was stroking her hair to wipe away her tears but I pause when I see my glove.
I bite into it and pull it off of my hand with my teeth so I wouldn't have to let go of her.
I toss the glove on the floor and before I reach out to Mirta I also take my helmet off.
I drop it on the floor next to us and then finally connect my palm with her cheek.
With my thumb I wipe away some stray tears and I can see her melt into my touch.
She angles her head into my hand and it makes my heart flutter.
She looks up at me with her big blue eyes before I lean down.
When my lips touch hers I feel like the weight of the whole galaxy just got lifted of my shoulders.
I finally have her back.

I kiss her ever so gently, afraid to hurt her.
I pull back and look at her.
She's still smiling brightly at me and I chuckle, smiling back.
"I- I can't believe you're here. I thought you were..." I say but I can't even finish that sentence.
"I'm right here Ben." She says in a soft voice.
"I love you." I say honestly.
She looks at me and she raises her eyebrows in surprise.
She then wraps her arms around my neck once again and pulls me close.
"I love you too." She whispers in my ear and I feel like I will collapse at her words.
"I'm tired." She says sheepishly.
"Can we go to sleep?" She asks.
I look at the clock and see that it is getting quite late.
"Of course my love." I say and it feels right to finally say those words.
She's wearing a long, white nightgown.
It's a simple fabric and it has a simple, flat neckline but she looks absolutely stunning in it.
"I'll carry you angel." I say but she stops me.
"Ben. I have laid in that bed for months. I want to walk." She says while her eyes sparkle.
I nod and step back, giving her space.
She walks to the door and opens it with the force.
She looks back at the hand she used in disbelief before she smiles even brighter.
She carefully steps out into the hallway and I follow close behind her.

As soon as we enter the hallway I see how packed it is.
I remember how at this time of night every single person on this base is making their way towards their chambers so everyone will be out in the hallways right now.
But Mirta doesn't seem to care.
She keeps her head high and starts walking, one foot in front of the other.
Again I follow her closely and walk behind her like a shadow, following her pace.
Everyone stops and stares at her and when she comes closer anyone that's in her way steps aside.
I'm not even sure why everyone is giving way to her , wether it is because I'm right behind her or if they're just doing it because it's... her.
She walks down the whole hallway with people stepping aside for her and everyone's heads turn to follow her.
She still remembers the way to our old room but when we enter that hallway I stop her.
"Actually. I built us a new room." I say, making her turn back and look at me surprised.
"It's right here." I say before I type in a code on the lock on the door.
The lock beeps and the door opens with a hissing sound.
When she walks inside her eyes widen.
Her jaw drops slightly as she starts walking around.

~Mirta's pov~

I look around the room as I take a few steps inside.
It is a big open space with tall ceilings and it has a few big windows at the far end of it.
It looks really empty but it does have a desk against one of the walls and a couch close to one of the windows.
In one of the corners there is a kitchen that is not too big but definitely big enough for just the both of us.
It has a nice amount of cupboards and a small kitchen island with a sink and two high chairs to sit at it.
I glance around the room again when I hear Ben speak up.
"You can do whatever you want here. Just say the word and I will make sure you have whatever you need." he says but I don't reply.
I step through the room towards one of the doors. It leads me into a bathroom that is similar to the one we had in our old room.
It also has a bath and a shower but it looks bigger and even more luxurious.
I close that door and go towards the other one.
When I walk inside I look around and find it to be the bedroom.
It is once again a big room and it doesn't have much inside.
The only things are the big bed, a nightstand on either side and an armchair in the corner.
I also noticed a mirror on one of the walls that extends all the way down to the floor.
There is another door inside the bedroom and when I open it I find a spacious walk in closet with all of the clothes that I've ever worn before on the starkiller base neatly hung.
I turn around to look at Ben and find him with a warm smile on his face.
I smile back at him, feeling grateful for the effort he went through to make me feel at home.
I imagine how happy he must be to be back together and that's why he went all out, to show me he cares.
But my face drops when I walk back into the main room with Ben behind me and I find that the front door is closed and locked.
The keypad has a red light flashing in the top right corner, telling me it needs the code to be opened.
"What is the code?" I ask him, trying to not jump to conclusions.
Now his face drops too and I see a hint of sadness in his eyes.
"Ben, what is the code?" I ask, more sternly this time.
"Mirta..." He lets out in almost a whisper as he reaches out for me and touches my arm.
I walk backwards to get a few steps away from him and he lets his arm drop back to his side.
"Ben, don't do this." I plead but he refuses to meet my eyes.

Her guardian angel (SEASON 2) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon