Chapter one : Come back to me angel.

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~Kylo's pov~

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~Kylo's pov~

I sit on the throne that once belonged to Snoke, looking out into the big, cold room.
I try to empty my head of all thoughts and especially feelings which I have gotten better at in these past few months.
I have always had a bad temper that everyone knows to steer clear from but ever since the day I lost her... things have been different.
It doesn't matter what happens, anyone that comes near me is at risk of loosing their head at any given time.
I grunt as I burry my face in my hands, trying to block any thought from entering my mind but fail as the memories of that day come flooding in.

"Don't leave me angel."
"I need you."
"We'll go back to our house."

I hear my own voice echoing in my head as glimpses of her pale face flash through my head.

"I'll always be right here."

I scream before jumping up and igniting my lightsaber, slashing at all the walls of the throne room.
The buzzing sound of the saber hitting the metal walls makes my ears ring as I keep my eyes focussed on the red glow coming off of it.
I stop and hold my ignited lightsaber to my side as I look around at the damage I've done while panting.
My chest moves up and down heavily as I try to catch my breath.
I feel a throbbing pain in my heart at the memory of her.
How I couldn't protect her.
As I feel tears stinging in the corners of my eyes the doors whoosh open.
Captain Phasma walks in and within a second I have my lightsaber pointed right at her, holding it inches away from her face.
She's wearing her helmet so I can't see her facial expression but I hear her audibly gasp in shock at my actions.
When I see it's her I lower my saber before unigniting it and clipping it back to my belt.
I blink and take a deep breath to try and hide the painful expression on my face from her.
"I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt anything." Phasma speaks up as she carefully glances around the trashed room.
"What brings you here?" I ask coldly, depriving my voice of all emotion.
"Your helmet is ready sir." She states simply and I nod in reply.
She takes this as a sign to move on and soon disappears out the doors again.
I sigh and squeeze my eyes shut as I pinch the bridge of my nose.

I get myself together again, now having something to occupy myself with as I start making my way towards the forge.
On my walk through the endless hallways of the Starkiller base I remember how I reacted after the medics carried her body away from me.
I had smashed my helmet to shards beyond repair, or so I thought.
I picked up the pieces and brought them to one of the best metalsmiths in the galaxy, Albrekh.
He had promised me he could repair my helmet and now he had supposedly succeeded.
I wave my hand, opening the door in front of me with the force and as I walk in Albrekh turns to me.
"I was told you finished my helmet?" I ask emotionlessly.
The creature nods and steps aside to reveal my helmet carefully placed on a pedestal.
It now has red lines running all over it where he melted the pieces back together with sarrassian iron.
I pick it up and slowly lift it while inspecting it closely.
"Will it hold?" I ask skeptically.
Albrekh huffs, clearly not pleased by me doubting his skills.
"It will be stronger than it was before."
He says with determination.
I give him one last look before I cover my face with my helmet.
As I slide it on it hisses shut and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.
I close my eyes for a moment as I feel a sense of power wash over me now that I can hide behind this mask once again.
When I open my eyes I nod, letting Albrekh know he did a good job before I leave the room.

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