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Apollo is in the middle of a near fistfight with the god of Death when a random man pops out of thin air and steals his kid.

Everyone in the Poseidon stares idiotically at the place where Will disappeared.

"Stop just standing around! Find my son!" Apollo jabs his finger at Hades' chest. "This is your son's fault!"

"We've already been over this! How is my son's fault?" Hades seethes.

"If Nico hadn't gotten kidnapped, Will wouldn't have gotten kidnapped!"

"That is not how it works! He didn't get kidnapped on purpose!"

"Maybe he did," Apollo says hotly. "If you were my dad, I'd get kidnapped to escape you.

Annabeth attempts to take control of the situation. The last thing they need is two angry Olympian gods fighting at the camp. "Nico isn't helpless; he can protect himself. Will also isn't an idiot. They will be fine while we devise a plan to save them."

"We should start with, does anybody recognize any of the people from the Iris Message?" Percy asks.

Leo makes a scandalized gasp and dramatically collapses against Frank. Frank pushes him off with an annoyed grunt. "How do you not know who that is? That is Tony Stark!" He sighs at their blank stares. "Typical. Demigods don't know anything. You know, Iron Man?"

"Who?" Annabeth isn't proudly admitting she doesn't know something, but this feels like a have-to case.

"Don't you keep up with what's happening in the world?"

"No, because I've spent the last eight years saving it," Percy sasses.

"Tony Stark is a literal mortal superhero. He built a suit and became part of a team of superheroes. At first, I thought he might be my brother, but I guess he's just a normal genius." Leo sighs, dejected.

"I don't care who he is. Do you know where he lives?" Hades asks.

"With all due respect, why don't you find Nico yourself?" Percy questions.

Hades' glare would make most demigods cower; Percy, however, meets Hades' eyes head-on. Apollo answers to pull the attention off of Percy and Hades' faceoff. "Gods can't interfere with demigod and mortal affairs."

"It's your kids!" Hazel angrily exclaims.

"As much as I wish it did, that doesn't change anything. We're counting on you to rescue our children."

"Tony should be at Avenger's Tower," Leo says. "Unless they took Nico to a different location."

"Even if he did, Tony's living space is as good a place to start," Percy says.

"Is no one else questioning why a mortal superhero would kidnap a demigod?" Annabeth asks.

"That is a fantastic question," Jason agrees.

"Maybe he mistook Nico for someone else?" Frank offers.

"If that were the case, you'd think he'd have released Nico by now."

"Enough chatter!" Hades roars. "Find my son!"

"And mine!" Apollo adds.

"Where is this Tower?" Hazel drops onto one of the empty beds in the Poseidon cabin.

Leo throws his hands up in frustration; small flames flicker through his fingers before fizzling out. Frank edges a few inches away. His life force isn't tethered to an easily burnable piece of wood anymore, but an excitable Leo still makes Frank uncomfortable. "The Avengers have saved the world multiple times; how do you not know who they are?"

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