The Fate of the World P1

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A godly fight resulted in the world being torn apart and the Flare virus rampaging what was left. Two groups - the Gladers of the maze and the demigods of Camp Half-Blood - must unite to find WICKED's Safe Haven and receive the cure to the Flare virus. 



Nico Di Angelo/Will Solace

Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase

Piper Mclean/Jason Grace (past)

Leo Valdez/Jason Grace

Frank Zhang/Hazel Levesque 


 Will looks up from bandaging a Hermes kid's knee - she fell off the lava wall - when the bell above the infirmary door jingles. Kayla meets Will's eyes and shakes her head. Will's shoulders slump.

Every afternoon, Will sends Kayla or Austin to ask Chiron or Mr. D if they have opened the camp borders. Every afternoon, the answer is always the same. No one knows why Chiron shut the camp borders down, and Chiron has yet to make any move to inform the campers of his reasons in the months the borders have been closed.

One day, Chiron called all the satyrs and demigods living in the mortal world back to camp, and Mr. D closed the borders before Zeus recalled him back to Olympus. It has been close to four months since that happened.

The camp is running out of supplies - especially the dining pavilion and the infirmary. The gardens and other vegetation started to inexplicably wilt rapidly. None of the Demeter or Persephone kids have any luck saving them. The camp is running on sickly strawberries and water. They need a supply run for more seeds and medical supplies.

The infirmary ran out of gauze and thread for stitches almost a month ago. Since then, Will has been making do with scraps of his own clothes and super-gluing minor cuts and gashes together. Eventually, those supplies will dwindle, too.

In desperation, Will asked Nico to shadow travel to the nearest hospital and bring back sorely needed medical supplies, but Nico could not travel past the camp's borders. He tried every section of the border but had no success.

The campers are completely cut off from the world, and Chiron refuses to tell anyone what is happening - not even the counselors have the faintest idea. Even Iris messages have stopped working in camp.

When the camp first shut down, Hazel and Frank were visiting. They tried to message Reyna about the development, but every attempt failed.

Camp Jupiter could also be on lockdown, or Reyne could assume Frank and Hazel abandoned their posts. They don't know. They're in the dark as much as any other camper.

Despite his secrecy, Chiron tries to encourage normal camp behavior, but most campers congregate at the campfire every day and toss about theories for the lockdown.

Will would love to join his friends and boyfriend, but his work is cut out for him. Not long after the lockdown started, campers started falling ill. It wasn't apparent at first that something was wrong. Only one or two campers were sick. Then, more and more campers went to the infirmary with similar symptoms.

The Apollo cabin's healing powers can't stop or reverse the effects of whatever disease is infecting the camp, but so far, they have slowed the spread of the disease. They used the Golden Fleece, but its power only reverses the effects of the disease for a few days. The camper they used it on would become healthy until they rapidly fell ill again.

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