🌹 | nothing to lose. (18)

Start from the beginning

I look at Sarah.

"You're killing your girlfriend and best friend, John b. You need to get them to safety."

I try to speak over the radio but John b stops me.

"John b, please, I will make it right. I promise you. Come back."

"No! Don't listen to him! He's a liar!" Sarah cries.

"John b, I'm begging you. Darlas parents are in hysterics. You have to let them girls go. You have to just come home."

I scoff. "Fuck them, and fuck him."

"Think of Sarah, and turn around." Ward calls out.

John b hesitates, but grabs the radio.

"John b, what are you doing?" Sarah asks.

"Ward Cameron, do you hear me?" he yells.

"Yes. Yes, son I'm right here. Please bring her back, okay? We will work it all out when you get home."

John b takes a deep breath before talking. "You killed my father!"

I duck as another wave comes washing in.

"And, you framed me for a murder I didn't commit! You took.. everything from me!" He screams into the radio.

I start to tear up as I try to shield Sarah and I from the waves.

"You took everything from us. And I swear to god, Ward, I will come back one day, and take what's mine."

I look at John b, tears in my eyes as I realise the situation Ward has put us through.

"I'm coming for you." He nods.

He puts goes to put out the radio, but I take it in anger.

"Hey Ward," I say. "One more thing."

There's silence.

"If we don't make it, you tell our friends that I love them, and that you are the reason we're dead. And you tell my baby sister, that I'm gone because of you."

I put out the radio as another gruesome wave crashes into us.

"Look, guys, I'd rather die than go to jail." John b yells to us.

I sob.

"I'd rather die than be without you guys." Sarah calls.

I grab them both and hug them tight, realising this is it.

All my life, I've had dreams, ambitions, goals. But I never thought about the fact that life is unpredictable. You never know when your last moments are. So, live life everyday as if it's your last, because then.. maybe then, you won't be surprised when your last day occurs. And you'll live it like every other day. To its fullest.

And the last and final wave splashes over us, this time, it doesn't feel as hard and rough.. because I'm not fighting it. I let it pull me away.. slowly. And i let it push the boat under. I feel my body weaken beneath natures force.

Is this the end?


jj holds his hat tightly in his hands as Shoupe and the other officers walk in.

The three stand up quickly.

"Did you find them?" Pope blurts, hoping that's a no.

"No." Shoupe says quickly.

jj looks at the officers, the looks on their faces are scaring him.

"So, they got away?" Kie says, hopeful.

Shoupe looks down and clears his throat. "We lost 'em."

Pope doesn't understand what he means by that, but Jj can make out a little bit of a story.

"I'm sorry." Shoupe sighs.

"You lost them?" Pope asks. "What- what, nah, what do you mean 'you lost them?" Pope stutters.

jj looks down, he feels his heart get stabbed a million times over and over.

"Like- like like they're gone? What are you talking about?" Pope says, getting a-bit nervous.

"They took an open boat into a tropical depression, Pope." Shoupe shakes his head.

"So, they're dead?" Kie stutters, her voice trembling in nervousness and fear.

"We don't know." Shoupe hesitates.

jjs sorrow fuels with extreme anger. "You- you drove them straight through the storm, man!"

Shoupe backs away and the other officers try to sedate him as he starts to panic and break out in anger.

Kie starts to hyperventilate, rethinking if this is real or not.

"You killed them! They didn't kill anyone, and you know it!" Pope cries at Shoupe.

"I loved her! I fucking loved her you bastards get off of me!" Jj punches at the officer holding him back.

Kie sobs uncontrollably. "You killed my best friends..."

"We're still looking for them, all right?" Shoupe tries to reassure him.

Pope turns around and begins crying hard and uncontrollably.

"Pope.. pope, just stop." Kiara whimpers.

Suddenly Pope and Kiaras parents come rushing into their mourning children, taking them into their arms and comforting them on their tragic losses.

Jj holds his head, sobbing. He can't bring himself to believe any of this. His childhood best friends, gone.

Heyward takes jjs shoulder and brings him into the hug, caring for him too and giving him the comfort he needs because he knows that jjs father isn't there to give him that.

They all hug, knowing they lost the two best parts of them all.

knowing they lost them for nothing.



tears on my keyboard aesthetic


SINCERELY, YOUR DARLA. || ~ jj maybank.Where stories live. Discover now