XXII : missin something

Start from the beginning

He is out.

"It's a 2v8, can't do it?"

"We wanted to let you have the fun."

"The husband cannot see me with bruises anymore."

"You won't arrest me now, would ya?"

"Of course not."

"Well, Ma'am, Sir, I will be done in five minutes."



One more charged at her and she smashed his face to the bar and kicked the other. A woman with them was screaming and Irmina tried to calm her down but she smashed another bottle they drank, charging at her. She carefully angled her hand and hit a nerve on the lower part of her neck, knocking her out.

Her group watched in awe, amazed that Irmina did not take any hits after having three off them charge at her all at once. Police officers entered as back-up with the biggest smile on their faces after they noticed it was Irmina dealing with the situation.

"So—" Keller took a sip from his beer "—she came here before."

"If it is a place to eat or drink or both, she knows all the places."

"She comes here quite often." The server said, placing some appetizers on their table before they Irmina groaning and only to find her annoyed, turning the very angry fella around and hold him there for the police officer put handcuffs. With the blush on her face, Irmina managed to compliment and flirt. "I'm Elisabeth and everyone calls me Lisa. Anyone of you have her card or we can just put it on her tap?"

"What is the maximum cards?"

"No limit."

All five except for Natasha handed their cards while Lisa snickered and took them, also their keys. No questions asked. She would then take the keys from Irmina's coat before putting the coat on the hanger nearby while Irmina took a shot.

Of Vodka.

Calm down.

"Mina!" Irmina turned to the bartender with a smile. "What are you drinking?"

"Whatever they are planning."

"I'll send out the first round of beers first then!" She cheered as Lisa handed their cards and keys, she carefully placed them somewhere hidden from everyone except for anyone working behind the bar.

"Let's hope you have someone to pick you guys up. Or Lisa will get grumpy."

"So Konig, we are here as friends?"

"More or less."

"Interested in anyone?"

"Nope. But slept with this one." Irmina drank her beer as she pointed at Adelaide. The Colonel shrugged while everyone was surprised except Marlene, because she caught them in Irmina's office. "No special treatment however, well, a little, she saved my life with Keller."

"How come I don't get special treatment?"

"You do, just small ones. I prefer her because of the sex."

Adelaide clink her glass with Irmina's, with a smirk and Irmina rolled her eyes, rolling up her sleeves properly. Marlene glanced at the awfully quiet Russian who was just staring at Irmina like she was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. The Captain knows everything at this point. Who Irmina slept with, where she is, when she will arrive. Now maybe things got more interesting.

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