𝙁𝙄𝙑𝙀, 𝘭𝘪𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘥 𝘴𝘮𝘰𝘰𝘵𝘩

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ʻ 𝘮𝘺 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘪𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘶𝘯𝘢𝘧𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨
𝘣𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘦𝘯𝘥ʼ

NYLA STARK stands around a table, tapping her foot as she scans for any sign of Craster while the three men standing near her and cutting food don't seem to notice her anxious picking at the skin of her fingers.

Since the night before, every time Craster had caught sight of Nyla, it seemed he was doing everything he could to make her uncomfortable in his camp. If that's what he was going for then Nyla was sure it was working with how nervous she was even just simply standing around the camp.

"Then I said, if the gods wanted us to have dignity, wouldn't make us fart when we died." Edd continues the conversation he, Grenn, and Sam are having, and Nyla debates leaving to be somewhere alone to avoid this immature conversation. She then remembers she was there so she didn't have to be alone in the camp, so she just sighs and shakes her head as she leans against the table.

"We fart when we die?" Grenn questions and Nyla rolls her eyes as she watches Onyxia and Ghost jog around the camp together, following them with her eyes until they leave her view, causing her to begin anxiously picking at her skin and her eyes to dart around the camp again.

"My blessed mother was holding her own when she left this world. She farted so hard, the whole bed shook." Edd shakes his head in a mock sympathetic way, making a farting noise with his mouth as if he needs to do so for everyone to understand what he meant. Nyla's eyes follow the young woman Craster had groped the night before around the fire as she walks past Nyla and the men.

"Seems a bit greedy for one man to have so many wives." Sam cuts into the conversation, changing the subject as his eyes follow the young woman as well. "Wouldn't two, or three, be enough for him?" Nyla holds back a comment about the man marrying his daughters, though because of this fact, she doubts Craster cares about how greedy he would be seen as being.

"We were having a serious discussion." Edd frowns as he turns his head to face Sam as the man speaks. Nyla rolls her eyes again at the idea that conversation would be at all considered a serious one but keeps quiet about her opinions for now.

"Would you look at that?" Grenn comments with a slight whistle, and Nyla frowns over at the man, glaring over at him as if to warn him to shut his mouth, both because of his catcalling being something that Nyla disapproves of and because she knows he's commenting on Craster's wives, which Nyla knows he and the rest of the Watchmen were warned about what would happen if Craster caught them doing something like that. Grenn, in response to Nyla's warning glare, puts his hands up in a mock surrender before turning back to his conversation with the other men.

"Nothing like the sight of a woman walking away," Sam adds in agreement, and Nyla scoffs quietly and rolls her eyes, knowing nothing she says would convince the men to quit with their comments on Craster's wives.

"I prefer watching them come towards me." Grenn leans forward slightly, but as if Nyla's glare did at least something, he quiets his voice slightly and tries his best to make his staring more subtle.

"I'm sure that's nice, too." Sam nods, but by the way Sam's voice seems almost feathery with how light and quiet it is, Nyla is sure he's hardly paying any attention to what his friends are saying.

"Well, there was a milkmaid named Violet on the next farm over from where I grew up." Grenn begins a story Nyla is sure she won't enjoy. "And we were wrestling together from the time we were six years old. And then we got older, the wrestling, uh," he laughs quietly, "changed." Nyla knew she wouldn't enjoy whatever was to come out of the man's mouth, but she still looks at the man in an almost judgemental manner.

"What's wrong, Stark?" Edd questions mockingly. "If conversations like these ones upset you, perhaps even make you a bit jealous of our experience that you, being raised as Lady, wouldn't have, you're welcome to walk away from them. We wouldn't mind, promise, princess." The condescending manner he uses to call Nyla 'princess' pisses her off, but the comment about her sexual experience causes her to be too flustered to argue, so she just walks off from the group of men, running a hand through her long dark hair as she does so.

The Stark doesn't seem to be paying attention to where she's going, as Nyla ends up walking straight into someone else. Nyla quickly recovers, barely having stumbled, but the young woman, the same one from the night before, appears to have been more affected, as the girl has fallen to the ground, the meat she was carrying falling to the ground beside her.

Nyla reaches her hand out for the other young woman to take so the Stark can help her stand back up, but before the woman reaches back out she looks at the meat on the ground, moving her hand to pick it back up from the ground. Before she can, however, Onyxia comes from where she had been jogging around and grabs the meat aggressively from the ground, her teeth only inches away from the girl on the ground's hand. Onyxia notices the young woman's hand reaching for the meat she has not taken in her mouth, and she bares her teeth and growls the best she can with the raw food help between her teeth. This gesture is enough to scare the girl on the ground, and she backs away from the direwolf.

"Onyxia!" Nyla says her pet's name in a commanding tone, and the direwolf looks up from the woman on the ground in front of her and immediately stops with her threatening act, the meat still held in the animal's mouth. "No, Onyxia." Nyla shakes her head before waving her direwolf off. "Shoo."

"Are you alright?" Sam questions the young woman from behind Nyla, and the Stark turns around to look at the young man as he walks over to the other woman. "Did she frighten you?"

As soon as Nyla sees Sam approaching, she decides to walk away, knowing out of all the Watchmen that Sam is likely the least  to try something with one of the wives of Craster. The Stark follows where Onyxia had gone when she ran off with the meat, but even when she's with the threatening direwolf by her side, her eyes still dart around the camp as if Craster could sneak up on her at any given moment.

𝓑𝓔𝓛𝓛𝓐𝓓𝓞𝓝𝓝𝓐, 𝑔𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝓇𝑜𝓃𝑒𝓈 ²Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz