《I'll Love You Forever》

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Prompt: Through all the stages in Clare's life, Dream and George will always be the first ones to be there for her.

(if you read the book i think you'll know where this is coming from)

No one's POV

Dream was at work at the moment. So, that meant George was all alone in the house, taking care of their daughter, Clare.

And it was not easy.

She was messily eating on her highchair earlier for breakfast, so he had to help her clean up.

After that, she wanted to colour.

George, of course, let her do so.

And without his supervision there, she got curious, then the thing he knew was that there were crayon marks on the wall in the living room.

So, he had to stay there and remove it with wipes, until it's all gone.

Then later, he was cooking their dinner.

With Dream coming home within an hour.

He was making his favourite. He thought that's the least he could do after his husband is home, tired from the day's work.

But while he was doing that, Clare was in her playpen.

George had put her there, so he can still keep an eye out on her.

What he didn't know was that Patches had made her way into the playpen, by somehow opening the entrance with her paws.

So, now, Clare was giggly crawling out of the playpen, and back to the couch in the living room.

All went smoothly for George, until he heard a faint smash.

He was quick to let go of the lid that he was holding and rushed to where he heard the noise from.

Clare was backed away from the table where the vase displayed on top of it, and was now broken into pieces on the floor.

Sure, they knew well that they have someone small and delicate to take care off, with that means baby proofing the entire house.

But even after keeping all the sharp and dangerous objects away from her sight, George still wanted to at least display the vase she got from her grandma as some sort of a gift.

And he never thought that it would harm his baby one bit, except today.

George hurriedly went over to Clare and picked her up in his arms, who was close to crying from the shattered noise.

He was able to calm her down from shushes and kisses on her forehead, before he placed her back gently in her playpen. This time, George made sure the door is closed properly.

Then, he proceeded to quickly get the broom and dustpan, so he can throw away all the pieces scattered.

George felt relieved when he threw away the last leftover glass pieces.

But it wasn't too long when he smelled something a bit awful.

He turned around to see the pan, still on top of high heat on the stove. George instantly panicked and ran there to turn the knob off.

The food may have been slightly burnt, but it wasn't anything too bad.

Dream came home later looking exhausted. He wanted nothing more than to sleep and cuddle with George in bed, after they ate dinner.

He was glad he can do that, after George placed a very tired Clare in her crib.

Her pacifier slowly bobbed between her lips and her bottle of milk was all gone; she was getting sleepy.

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