Chapter- 74 Clarity

Start from the beginning

"Then dad took legal action on her," he completed and I regretted getting angry with him.

"I am sorry," I pouted and hugged him.

Brainless me. How can I misunderstand him?

"It's ok, butterfly, I should've told you before, but I truly forgot about her and that incident until dad said earlier," he remarked, wrapping his hands around me.




After one year.

Everything is settled now. His dad accepted our love and everyone was happy.

Arnav didn't forgive his dad, but he was talking normally with his mom. She put so much effort into their relationship and now it is getting normal.

Dev left for the states with his woman because of her medical conditions. Did I say? So much happened in his life too and he changed a lot. The woman whom he loved came back to him after her divorce or something. It's not like she literally came to him, but there was something going on in her life and he stood up for her and took care of her. They haven't married yet but are living together.

Dev and Aunt Malini are also reconciled. Dev apologized to her, and being a mother who raised him, she forgave him.

Even aunt Nalini reconciled with Arnav and aunt Malini. Arnav forgave her as he is no one to be mad at her and he knows his dad's mistake is also there as much as hers.

Even though aunt Malini was reluctant to accept her apology, she acknowledged it. They stopped being enemies first, then slowly became friends once again.

As they both don't have a girl child, they are spoiling me so much. They buy so much stuff for me: dresses, shoes, jewelry, what not?

Aunt Malini arranges girl's night for every two months and we all have to gather no matter what--- And our gang comes with her friends and my friends means Aunt Malini, Aunt Nalini, Chaya mom from their generation and Pooja, Payal and me from our generation.

Aunt Malini even arranged a princess theme bedroom for me in the Singhania mansion.

They met my parents, too. Uncle Singhania even apologized to my parents. He actually came to apologize to me so many times, but I didn't accept his apology. But I asked him to apologize to all my people who suffered because of him.

So, he apologized to my parents and friends, also Arnav, aunt Malini, aunt Nalini and Dev. Everyone accepted his apology except Arnav, Dev and me.

Finally, Arnav's family is not complicated anymore. He just has two mothers, that's it.

In this one year, everyone said I have changed. Even I saw changes in myself after being alone for such a long 18 months. Like I stopped talking like a chatterbox, I stopped being excited for little things and even started being calm and reserved.

Everyone complained about my behavior except Arnav. He didn't complain even once, instead he put efforts to bring me back to myself.

He would talk if sit silent and asked questions to make me talk. We made a bucket list and have done everything on that list on weekends. He put so much effort and finally he did bring me back.

Now I am back to myself again, the same clumsy, noisy Naina.

What can I say to this man? He loves me so much and I love him the same.

"Arnav," I called him and he hummed, focusing on the road as he was driving.

I don't know why, but today Arnav was so nervous. I mean, I don't know; he is just acting strange.

We went shopping and are now going to the Radio station as it's time for my show. Our manager gave me my job back as soon as I came back, saying listeners missed my show so much and even complained to bring me back.

"Let's get married," I blurted out.

He stopped the car abruptly, which made my head jerk forward.

"Are you ok?" he asked, holding my head.

"Yes," I replied, settling my hair.

"You didn't reply," I reminded him, and he looked even more nervous. His eyes roamed over my face for a brief second, and I signaled him to answer.

"What?" he coughed nervously.

"Let's get married, Arnav," I said again.

"No," he replied immediately.
"I mean, we will talk about this later," he coughed again.

"Ok," I replied, unsure.
"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I am perfectly fine," he said and started the car.

After half an hour, the car halted in front of the radio station.

"Bye, Hero," I said and got out of the car.

"Bye, butterfly, I will wait for you," he remarked, and I nodded with a smile, then walked in.

"Hi," I waved at Karuna while walking in and she smiled, saying hello.

"Someone is waiting for you in the conference room," Karuna remarked.

"Who?" I asked, looking at my watch. There's only ten minutes left for the show.

"I don't know," she replied.

"Ok, I will go and see," I said and hurried to the conference room. I need to talk to that person in 10 minutes and hurry back to the recording room.

"Why are you here?" 


Trust me guys, I am not giving you cliffhangers deliberately 🤭🙈😉😁😅

So, did you like the update?? Tell me in comments💬❤

I am not writing about dev detailed because I have planned his own story, there you will know more about him.

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