Chapter- 58 Rescued

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Author's POV

As planned, Arnav started his drive to the location which they sent him. While driving, he got a message, and he opened it immediately, thinking it may be the kidnapper but it is from the bank. He received a message that money got debited from his card in a restaurant.

Arnav called Ajay right away and gave him the address where the money was debited and asked him to inform the police to start their search before Arnav gets there..

Soo Arnav reached the location which they sent. It was a very busy area with shopping malls, restaurants, and all. He climbed down from the car and was about to call the number which he received the message from.

But before he could call, a man came from nowhere.

"You are Arnav Singhania?" he asked, and Arnav nodded.

He took the phone from him and checked him, touching him to know if he was carrying any weapons.

Then he looked at Arnav when he felt something in his coat pocket.

Arnav took out a phone from his inner pocket and gave it to him. He put phones in Arnav's car and asked him to climb into their car, which just drove to them.

Arnav climbed into their car, and the driver started the car. They thought they took out everything, but Arnav has a tracker on his chain. He knows they will check him. That's why he put on a tracker.

After half an hour, the car halted in front of an abandoned warehouse. They climbed down and asked him to get down.

He walked inside while they were guiding him, then he saw Naina sitting on the chair with her hands and feet tied.

His blood boiled, looking at her like that. Nerves popped up on his hands due to the tight fist. He controlled his anger for her safety... he was afraid if acts rashly, that could cost her safety.

He tried to go to her, but they stopped him, holding him back.

"No, no, stop there," the main one said, coming to the scene, and that's when he saw him.

"Oh, it's you, Rakesh," Arnav commented, looking at him furiously.

"Can't win over fair competition and now, playing dirty tricks, you bastard," Arnav roared.

"Now you can't talk like this because your girlfriend is here with us as a captive," Rakesh laughed.

"Leave her," Arnav yelled.

"First, give me the file. I want to see the deal which impressed that hot head client," he remarked.

"Here," Arnav sneered and forwarded the file.

Rakesh signaled his right-hand man, and he took the deal file from him and gave it to Rakesh. He inspected the file as a satisfied smile swept over his lips.

"I know we just kidnapped her to get this file and ruin your meeting, but I don't want to send you back just like this," he commented.

"You have a rivalry with me, not her. Just let her go," Arnav said, waiting for the police, as he can't take the risk of her being trapped with them. If it's only him, he can fight, but she was there, too. He has to buy time until help reaches them..

While all the attention was on him, she tried to untie the ropes. Surprisingly, the ropes are so loose around her hands that she could just take her hands from the tie without even untying them.

With her free hands, she removed the ties on her legs and freed herself.

Arnav glanced when she was untying and made them busy with his talks. When she finally freed herself, she showed him thumbs up, conveying to him that she was ok.

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