EP. 2

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The prince came alone on his white horse, He arrived at Egevila Land in a condition that was no longer as beautiful as yesterday. He still remembered Lucia's house and small shop, he didn't see anyone. Hoseok went around looking for Lucia, there are residents who realize that the prince is coming. They asked him for help, Hoseok explains that he came to help recover Egevila Land condition. Then he asked the residents where Lucia lived, Currently Lucia is back living with her grandparents. Hoseok rushed to the house..

*the sound of knocking on the door*

"P-prince.. !?" Grandpa said

"Yes it's me, I just wanted to ask how you are doing.. Are you okay? Where's Lucia?" Hoseok replied

"She is fine.. prince"

"Can I meet her?"

Lucia came out the door and greeted Hoseok shyly, the girl asks why is he looking for her. Hoseok just wanted to apologize for what happened and try to help Lucia. The girl thought that he was a really kind prince, she thought she would be very lucky if she could marry him. But it was like a dream, Lucia realized that she was just an ordinary girl, but she was grateful when she felt the attention and care given by prince Hoseok.

In a corner, behind a tree, there is Seokjin's servant watching. He rushed back to Eldthigas Land to tell King Seokjin about the girl he was looking for.

Prince Hoseok wanted to invite Lucia to go to Egendria Land, Hoseok hoped that it would make her happy. Lucia was happy to hear that, Hoseok sent servants to help bring life back to Egevila Land. Everyone started replacing the greenery that had been burnt, they repaired their own homes and shops. Hoseok has supported all their needs.

"P-prince.." Lucia spoke shyly

"Yes Lucia?" Hoseok replied

"I want to thank you for all your help. In fact, you really want to take me to visit Egendria too."

"Let's just say you deserve a gift from me, because you have given me perfect strawberries." Hoseok said with his bright smile

"Thank you." Lucia smiled

Meanwhile at Seokjin's castle..

"King.. I saw that Prince Hoseok was going to take the girl to Egendria." His servant said

"OK, go... leave me alone." Jin replied

Seokjin pov
That damn prince, why did he take my girl to Egendria? Does he want me to destroy Egendria? My darling... I don't even know your name yet..

Seokjin decides to disguise himself and live in Egevila Land. He ordered his servant to keep an eye on him and anything especially her. Seokjin restrained himself from being hasty and let Lucia go with prince Hoseok so that the plan would work.

At Egendria Land..

Lucia's sparkling eyes looked at the beauty of Egendria, full of green plants and colorful flowers. She also saw a fresh and clear waterfall, her face was full of smiles.

Hoseok pov
Lucia, why do I start to feel my heart pounding with you? You're different from the other girls. I want to continue spending a lot of time with you and hope that you can be mine. I don't care what my father and mother say later..

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