EP. 1

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On a beautiful morning in Egevila Land, the air was so fresh all the residents of this land started their activities and opened shops to start trading. Lucia started harvesting fresh strawberries in her small yard, the sweet smile that appeared on her face after tasting the strawberries she planted. She divided the strawberries for her to sell and for her grandparents, she started out of her house walking towards her grandparents' house carrying a strawberry basket. People were so friendly greeting Lucia, everyone realizes that Lucia is a beautiful girl who lives in Egevila Land. Many men want to get her attention, but she just chose to be friendly to anyone.

While walking to Lucia's grandparents' house, she heard news from the residents of Egevila Land that the prince would come to visit. All this time she never know how the figure of the prince, she rush to her grandparents house to give strawberries.

"Grandpa, grandma.. I came to give you these strawberries, they taste really perfect." Lucia said

"Why are you in such a rush to leave? Come here, you have to drink fresh milk here too." Grandpa replied

"Oh Grandpa.. Thank you, I will bring this fresh milk home. I heard that the prince is coming, I really want to see his figure. I've never seen it before."

"Oh he's a young man, a prince who lives in Egendria Land.. if I'm not mistaken his name is Hoseok." Grandma said

"Really!? Isn't Egendria Land a beautiful place? I was so excited to see the prince. I'll go now grandpa and grandma, I love you!" Lucia replied

Lucia arrived at her house while opening her strawberry shop, she saw many people on white horses entering Egevila Land. Finally she saw the prince of Egendria Land, a kind-hearted prince who always shared his blessings to everyone. Lucia was fascinated by the handsomeness of Hoseok the prince, she tried to keep herself busy by taking care of her strawberries. When Hoseok saw and bought other people's merchandise, he accidentally saw your strawberry shop. He only saw your figure from behind, he could only see you in a white dress and long flowing hair.

"Hi there.. can i taste your strawberry?" Hoseok asked

"Sure prince Hoseok.." Lucia replied

When Lucia turned around to answer Hoseok's request, Hoseok unexpectedly felt a different feeling. He felt like he had never seen a beautiful girl in Egendria Land, all the girls who lived there even wanted to get Prince Hoseok's heart. He felt a blessing in itself when he visited Egevila Land. When he tasted the strawberry he also felt the perfect taste. Without thinking, he told his servant to bring all the strawberries to buy.

"My mother loves strawberries, I think she should taste these perfect strawberries." Hoseok said

"I'm very happy to hear that, thank you prince!" Lucia replied

"May I know what is your name?"

"I'm Lucia"

"What a beautiful name." Hoseok smiled

"It's very nice to be able to visit here, thank you for planting these strawberries. I will go now." Hoseok said

" Hoseok said

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