"You, can't tolerate me and Shadow together". Fang smiled at you. "I'd love to".

"[Name], I need to tell you something".

"What is it?" 

"I'm moving back to Tapops... I might bring Shadow with me...". You were silent and the sound of waves crashing filled the void. 


"Kaizo wanted Shadow to stay there and Shadow has the potential to be a member of TAPOPS, so he wanted to train him... And I would get to spend more time with Shadow".

"When are you leaving?".

"Next week". You gulped down and tried not to cry. You fixed your gaze on a boat far away in the sea. "I will miss you". You leaned your head on his shoulder. 

"I will miss you too..."

"I hate you for taking Shadow away from me".

"You can always come visit. I can always ask Ochobot to make a portal".

"Alright. I promise, I will visit every month and that's because I also miss Ochobot and the others. You better not kick me out". 

Fang chuckled as tears glossed his eyes. "I promise".


Ever since that day at the teahouse, Boboiboy craved your presence. He wanted to spend more and more time alone. 

Suddenly spending late nights in his office working was not enough for him. He kept on coming up with excuses to spend even an hour with you. Sometimes it was client dinners and meetings that would get cancelled last minute leaving you two to explore the city. 

He realized that he didn't like spending time with you because of your relationship in the past but it was because he was himself around you. No pretense. No need to be the Boboiboy Amato, he can just be Boboiboy. He knew there was a barrier of professionalism but he kept on pushing it ever so slightly every time you guys were together. 

He wouldn't even realize it when his hand started reaching out for yours when you stood next to each other only to pull away at the last second, how his eyes always searched for you in the crowd and his heart wouldn't rest unless he found you.

Even Yaya noticed the change. He started appreciating her more. He was kinder with his words now and sometimes she thought he wanted to have a good impression on you. She liked you the most out of everyone who worked here. You would always ask her if she had lunch or breakfast, reminding her to take a break once in a while. 

She felt seen around you. You always asked for her opinion when it was needed and always acted on it. She looked up to you like a little sister like always.

Boboiboy sat opposite to you looking between the file on his lap and you. The clock showed it was already 11:30 Pm and even Yaya was tired. 

"Is everything okay?". You asked. 

"I want to ask you something. It's not an obligation but are you free this weekend?". Yaya shook her head to clear her brain and looked at the both of you. Was it finally happening? Is he going to finally ask you out again? 

"Yeah I am. Do you need me to come in for work?". Boboiboy bit his lip nervously, the fluttering in his stomach left him tongue-tied. 

"No, exactly. There is an orphanage that my family takes care of and there is a fundraiser for it this weekend. Since you are so good with kids I thought I would ask you.." 

Forgive me... [Boboiboy x Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt