Chapter 11: Bail

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Gaurav winced again before standing up straight again. He was a good 3 inches taller than Muskaan, even though she was in heels. Aarav made his way closer, placing their food on a table. He was rolling up his sleeves to be ready, knowing that this was going to be messy. But he really didn't have to do much. He stood about 2 feet away from the whole ordeal throwing glares at the little group of so-called friends, who weren't even trying to help Gaurav out. 

Aarav shifts his focus back on Muskaan, whose body is facing the man who has a hole in his shirt and blood dripping from his nose. The pathetic state of the man almost makes Aarav laugh. Muskaan waits for Gaurav to say something. He huffs before throwing his fist in the girl's direction. The taste of blood was fresh in his mouth, causing him to be eager to get a hit. Muskaan squats, missing the blow. A gush of air hit her ears in the process. 

Smirking to herself, she stuck out her leg and swung it across the floor. The speed was unmatched and missed by her target. The hit catches Gaurav off guard as he falls to the ground for the second time, but this time Muskaan grabs his left arm and pulls it up stretching it away from his body. A scream erupts from him as he feels his arm being twisted in an odd manner and pressure being put on it. It took a few seconds before it went numb. 

"You coward!"

Before she could get another word in, a voice interrupted her. 

"Kya chal raha hai idhar?" (What's going on here?)

A police officer stops next to Vaansh's friend group and looks down at 

"Oh, madam? Kya hai yeh?" (Oh, madam? What is this?)

Before Aarav could step in and explain, he found himself and his girl in handcuffs and in the back of the police van. He tries to explain the situation, but the officer seems to have seen enough. Gaurav and his friends were already on their way to the hospital. Soon the two found themselves being put behind bars of the local police station.

"Kya bacho? Yeh kya tamasha tha food court mein?" (What kiddos? What was that in the food court?)

Aarav manages to get some words in with the officer to explain the situation and how it was the group that initiated the conflict. Muskaan, however, sat on the seat provided in the cell as she frowned at the dried blood on her knuckle. The fact it was blood out of that idiot's nose made her cringe. 

"Bhai ka phone number bolo."  (Tell me your brother's phone number.)

Aarav gulps at the mention, kicking himself for mentioning Shourya. "Kyun?" (Why?)

"Unke do khatron ke khiladi hai mere paas. Tumhare certificate pe unke sighn chahiye"

(His daredevils are here. I need his signature on the certificates.)

Muskaan laughs at the joke, only to have her mouth covered by Aarav. He recites the number to the officer, who leans back in his chair and plays with his pen as he pushes the phone to his ear. Meanwhile, Shourya was sitting beside his wife on his bed. He had come home early and Chhaya had taken the twins out to play in the park. She gave the excuse that she was training herself to have kids, but in reality, she was playing cupid. 

"Shourya, aap jaa kr fresh ho jao na." (You go freshen up."

Shourya shakes his head before leaning closer to his wife's neck, gently giving it a peck before wrapping his arms around her waist and collecting her into his arms. She felt like home and he was dying to get as close as he could. Giggling, Meera struggles to get out but gives in, knowing she needs this just as much as he does. 

He was pecking her neck, whilst caressing her waist, listening to her giggles and complaints about his light stubble tickling her. Before he could gently push her down onto their bed, his phone rang. 

Deciding to ignore it, he let it go to voicemail. Now hovering over his wife as she peeks up at him, he went to kiss her. Only to be interrupted again. Groaning he lifts it and presses it to his ear. Meera watches him grumble a hello, playing with his collar knowing it gets a reaction. 


The sudden shout made Meera jump, almost knocking her head on the head board if Shourya hadn't put his hand in the way. 

She watches him stand up, helping her sit whilst still on the phone. He slips her flats on her feet before throwing on his shoes. Holding her hand he walks out, it wasn't until he was in the car that he told Meera what the phone was about.


Shourya glances her way when she shouts. They were becoming the same person, they gave the same reaction to everything. 

Half an hour later, the couple found themself back in their car. But with two people in the back seat. Meera gently places her hand on his, a silent request to let them explain first. Sighing at his brother's face visible in his rear-view. shaking his head, he focuses back on the screen. 

Shourya peeks at Aarav and Muskaan through his rear-view mirror again and asks, "How did my wife and I find ourselves bailing you two out of jail this fine day?"
Aarav clears his throat, before coming up with an explanation. 

"Bhai, it was in the moment, she didn't mean to fracture his arm-"

His explanation was interrupted by the girl next to him.

"He was asking for it, jeeju." She looks at Shourya through the mirror and shrugs.
"So I gave it to him."

Meera's mouth falls open as she looks back at her sister, "You fractured his arm and almost broke his nose."

Muskaan smiles at her sister's look, "Aww di! Please, I explained what he said though! How was I going to let it slide?"

Shourya peeks at his brother, raising his eyebrow as if to hear more about what exactly happened. Aarav told the two everything, word for word, event by event. And by the end of it, Meera was grumbling at her husband for laughing at the fact that Muskaan got into a physical fight.

Seeing his wife, glare at him, he sobers up. But sneaks in a nod of approval to his sister-in-law sitting in the backseat. He was so glad she put the pest in his place. "Please tell me someone has it recorded, I'm dying to see- Ouch! Meera don't pinch me. Baby, I'm driving."

"Don't encourage her! She could have been hurt."

"I'm not encouraging, jaan. I'm just.."

Muskaan and Aarav smile at the couple's banter before looking at each other. They smile at each other before Aarav gently runs his thumb over the lightly bruised knuckles of his beloved. And Muskaan ran her finger over the blue beads of the bracelet she got him. It did protect him and she was glad that he was okay. What they didn't notice was the couple sitting in front was now focusing on them. Meera's frown had turned into a cheesy grin and Shourya was smiling like an idiot seeing his wife happy.

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