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JESS CLAPPED HIS hands in front of Maeve's ambivalent face, finally stealing her attention away from that one spot on the window of the diner that Maeve had been effectively drilling holes in with her eyes for several minutes. "Davis, hello?"

Maeve blinked, snapping out of her unreadable daze as she now focused on Jess' confused, yet simultaneously exasperated, face, "What?"

Jess unenthusiastically raised his eyebrows in response, "Did you hear anything I just said?"

"No," Maeve furrowed her eyebrows, "Not hearing you actually always ends up being better and way more peaceful for me, so if you could do me a favour and not repeat whatever irrelevant thing you said, that would be great."

Jess seemed to internally agree with the statement, but just outwardly scoffed and walked away as he dropped the subject and continued wiping one of the diner's tables, "Whatever."

Then realising that he would most likely have been talking about their mixtapes, she raised her eyebrows and approached him, "Was it about music?"

Jess just stopped his current actions to frown at her in inquiry, "Why do you suddenly care now?"

"Because I want to prove that I have better taste," Maeve shrugged as she looked away, adding after a moment, "Obviously."

Jess' frown deepened as he observed Maeve's half-interested, half-distracted expression. She had been acting weird—by 'weird', Jess meant her not insulting and barely talking to him—all day, and she hadn't mentioned Flynn once, which was incredibly rare for the girl. She would usually take any opportunity to bring him up in any conversation if she could.

Even at school, Jess noticed that she was in another planet walking to her next classes or even sitting in one of their joint classes itself, the girl was preoccupied with, what he assumed to be, millions of thoughts about what to insult him on next, though his expectations steadfastly fell short when she didn't follow through and kept her petty comebacks to herself. A first.

"Right." Jess drew out before pulling out a mixtape from his back pocket and casually threw it so it landed on the adjacent table. "Your turn."

Maeve's eyebrows tugged upwards as Jess coaxed her eyes back towards his with the words.

When she realised that she had been too preoccupied with the idea of Flynn that she had forgotten to make him a mixtape, she widened her eyes, "I didn't make one."

DISCO NIGHTS, gilmore girlsWhere stories live. Discover now