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EXACTLY TEN MINUTES later, Maeve burst through the diner's door, the sudden interruption catching the patrons, and consequently Jess', attentions, a mixtape in her hand as she released exhausted huffs and puffs.

Jess' eyes briefly widened at her flushed state, and he watched her trudge to the counter to catch her breath, simultaneously brushing her fingers through her unkempt hair with her free hand in order to quickly fix it. "Road Runner's got nothing on you, apparently."

"Ha ha, you're hilarious, Mariano." Maeve deadpanned as she finally caught her breath and stood opposite him, holding up the mixtape she made the previous night, which she had forgotten to bring to work earlier.

"I pride myself on my hilarity." Jess sardonically quipped, his eyes then flickering to the mixtape in her hand before falling back on her face a moment later. "You were serious about the mixtape thing?"

Maeve stopped, narrowing her eyes in irritation at the boy as she just shoved the mixtape in his hand, plainly communicating her exasperation with him as she did so. "Do you think I would've ran all the way to my house and back if I wasn't serious about 'the mixtape thing'?"

"Delusion is a sickness, I hope you know that, princess." Jess taunted with the nickname he knew she hated, shoving the mixtape in his back pocket as he grabbed the coffee vat and got back to work.

Jess didn't realise that he had willingly accepted something from Maeve, although the slightest indication of the fact was drowned out after he acknowledged that he was a little curious to hear her music taste, despite how annoying she was to him. He exponentially enjoyed music, and it was an efficient way of expressing his emotions, so he didn't mind listening to and surveying someone else's taste.

"A sickness I have gladly suffered with in the past, and don't call me 'princess', it's disgusting." Maeve uncomfortably cringed, grabbing some plates of food and beginning to hand them to whoever ordered them.

"I'll stop calling you 'princess' when you stop acting like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. You got an evil alter-ego none of us know about, or something?" Jess redirected his attention to refilling Delaney's coffee as he spoke, the girl's eyebrows quirking upwards as her eyes intently flickered between the pair.

"What are you two yapping about now?" Luke's exhausted voice spoke up from the stairs, the man coming down from his apartment and entering the diner as soon as his voice arose.

DISCO NIGHTS, gilmore girlsWhere stories live. Discover now