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THE ENTIRE DAY was the epitome of incongruous for Maeve Davis. She was the most crazed she had ever been, and she, herself, had no clue why.

Her father had called, to literally everyone's surprise, and had organised an odd visit to the humble town of Stars Hollow, which had consequently led Maeve to be holed up at home the entirety of the nice, sunny day.

Even Marjorie had never seen her granddaughter in this stressed of a state. Five cups of coffee down and on to the beginning of her sixth, all before 5:30, Maeve was way too anxious to even read—truly unthinkable for the girl.

Not even Nirvana or Fleetwood Mac could pull her up from her descent in the endless black hole that was the job of a hostess. If an author was to describe her behaviour, the only word that could accurately describe it would be 'laughable'. Children would scream, and other teenagers would point.

However, at least she wasn't mulling over Flynn again. That was one positive thing to come from this entire day.

Marjorie deeply sighed as she pulled Maeve out of her disorganised thoughts and grabbed the coffee cup from her hands right when the girl brought it up to her lips. As soon as she did so, she placed it in the sink, emptying the contents for her granddaughter's benefit, and empathetically speaking up, "Honey, I'm telling you, one more coffee and you'll be bouncing off the walls. You have to relax, it's just Tim."

DISCO NIGHTS, gilmore girlsWhere stories live. Discover now