Tell Her You Love Her

Start from the beginning

"Who didn't say a thing about Lauren?" A perky voice asked. Both Lauren and Normani jumped in surprise. Camila stood at their table, tray in hand, and her eyebrows raised.

"No one Camz. It's nothing." Lauren said quickly. Camila sat down beside the older brunette cautiously, and looked to Normani for an answer.

"Don't look at me." She chuckled, raising her hands in surrender.

"It's really nothing. I promise."

Camila looked at Lauren with worry in her eyes. The green-eyed girl groaned; she knew Camila wouldn't let this go. She cared too much.

"You seem troubled. What's wrong Lolo?" Camila whispered after she scooted closer into Lauren's side.

"I said it was nothing. Why can't you just trust me?" She snapped. Camila and Normani shared a look, but neither said anything. Lauren exhaled slowly and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Camila couldn't stop herself from saying.

"Nowhere." Lauren's voice was edgy as she walked briskly away from the table.

An uncomfortable silence fell upon Camila and Normani, until the younger girl couldn't stand it anymore.

"That's it. I'm going after her. You coming with, Mani?"

The dark skinned girl watched Camila stand up from her seat and slowly nodded.

"Good. I think we should check the bathrooms first." Camila suggested.

"Sounds like a plan."

As the two friends made their way to the closest bathroom, they talked.

"Mani, what's been going on with Lauren?"

"I only know as much as you do."

Camila stopped, and Normani did the same.

"She hasn't said anything to you? Anything at all?" The small brunette asked.

Normani shrugged, and they both entered the bathroom.

"I'm worried for Lauren. She's been acting different." Camila said.

Normani noticed someone was in one of the stalls, but didn't say anything. She bent down a little and immediately recognized that they were Lauren's shoes. She wanted her to listen to their conversation.

"I know. Hey, do you know that guy in our Chemistry class? Brown hair?Dreamy attribute? Austin I think his name is."

Camila leaned her back against the counter and folded her arms across her chest.

"Yes. Why?" She answered.

"Word's going around that he likes you. Like, a lot."

"Mani, we should not be talking about this right now." Camila sighed and squeezed the bridge of her nose.

"You don't like him then? When are you going to get a boyfriend Mila?" Normani teased.

"I really don't feel like talking about this right now. We need to find Lauren. I need to talk to her."

"Why do you need to talk to her so badly?"

Camila stared at her friend, who's eyebrows were raised. Normani knew by Camila's growing annoyance that she was beginning to cross a line, but she needed to know if Lauren's feelings weren't one-sided.

"I just need to okay? I've needed to for awhile now." She said quietly.

"Then let's talk."

Camila and Normani looked over as Lauren came out of one of the stalls. The younger brunette dropped her head and stared at the floor.

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